Chapter 16: Wrath pt1

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Benny stared as the people disappear and passed out in the middle of the cemetery, but felt conscious at the same time. 'Hello?' he asked.

'Hello Benny' a voice said. It seemed familiar- similar to his father's, but in pain. It was rasp and gravely. 'Well, I'm guessing you are wondering who I am' there were footsteps in the distance.

'Yes, who are you.' he pretended to care. 'I'm dead, aren't I' he asked.

'You know who I am. You just don't want to admit it' a figure came into view. They seemed very injured, on the edge of death. Their clothes were tattered and burnt. Their face was hardly identifiable. They walked forward. Their head was almost bald, an eye was missing and half their face was almost burnt off. Most of their teeth were missing.

'I- I really don't. Who are you- are you dead?' Benny asked, beginning to care now.

The person smiled, painfully. 'Yes I am. I was put inside that necklace of yours, as a way to let me live.' they sat on a chair that had appeared, and pointed at the necklace.

Benny stared 'Did you just summon a chair.'

They nodded 'I could control things inside people's minds, see what they think. But I had a weakness.' they showed their palms, their palms were burnt and cut. 'Fire. I was burnt by the people who looked up to me. I had to move boxes, all as a punishment. Everyone hated my abilities, but one person-' they shook their head.

Benny held out his hand in a friendly way. 'Look, you don't have to talk.' The person nodded and took his hand. They looked roughly Benny's age.

They shakily took Benny's hand. 'I was almost killed after enough time, and- then there was something' they waved his hands slightly. 'A bright light shone in front of me, with someone on the other side. My body froze, stopped getting worse' they gestured to themselves.

Benny nodded, listening. 'That sounds horrible, but is there anything I should call you. A name?' he asked, thinking it was risky.

They nodded 'Call me Matthew' he smiled. 'The person took my hand and spoke to me. "I can grant you the ability to live on inside of people's heads, you can talk to them and help them. You can be who you were always destined to be." I thought for a moment, thinking whether I'd rather be dead or help people. I said yes' he summoned a scarab into his hand, allowing it to move around it.

Benny watched 'You are that voice in my head, aren't you' he asked kindly.

Matthew nodded 'Gotta keep you alive, it's lonely in here' the scarab froze and turned gold 'I was turned into my favorite creature, and frozen in gold casing. A spell was put on it, so that I would have to be willingly taken off by the owner. I was given more power, power over the wielder.' Matthew waved his hand, a necklace appeared in his hand.

Benny smiled 'so you saved me, because what' he asked.

Matthew nodded 'Your father... he was my previous host. He split my consciousness between a ring and the necklace.' he hooked the scarab to the necklace. 'I then had to help you, a-'

'Wait. So Dad knew I was running away?' Benny asked, now intrigued.

'Yes. Well, I picked up on it and told him to check. He... We allowed it to happen, because of something that happened when you were a mere boy. When you were new to this world. I was there' he looked distraught; as if remembering something from that day.

Benny nodded 'What am I for, what do I need to do' he asked quickly.

'Well, Robin was taking you there, until he died' he looked up. 'Oh- sorry.' he went silent.

The area began to become brighter 'Hey, I'm not done talking!' he yelled at the sky.

Matthew smiled 'You can talk to me, still, just not see me. Not miss out on much if I do say so myself.' he nodded at Benny and faded away.

Benny woke up, surrounded by mud and wet dirt. 'I- Ow my head' he groaned.

The area was silent.

Benny sighed 'Hey, Matthew, you there?' he asked.

W-huh? Yea. Just gimme a minute to wake up

Benny started walking away from the cemetery 'OK. Just take your time. I will go to the tower now' he yawned and started walking.

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