Chapter 3: The Plan

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Benny was lead on his bed, silently reading. He was angry that his dad treated him the way he did; that his sister always sided with Jack. He looked at his wall of fake weapons. Do it. A voice in his head said. Run away it repeated. He sighed and walked to the window.

'All I want is out, to get away, but I never get it. Stupid Jack' he muttered. He tapped the window, trying to get the attention of a bird on the wall opposite. He sighed and slumped onto his chair to write in his diary, before a loud BANG sounded from right outside the room.

'Who's there!' Benny called out, taking his hidden dagger from under his desk; he held it in front of him, walking towards the door. 'please tell me' he whimpered.

'It is your father, Benny. Let me in' he was stood outside the bedroom, waiting to be let in. 'I have something for you.'

'What is it' Benny shouted, still holding the dagger; but he walked towards the door anyway, reaching for the handle.

'Just let me in' he said calmly.

Benny sighed and opened the door 'what is it, dad' he asked glumly.

The dad walked over and sat on the chair. 'You saw me and Jack arguing, didn't you.' he stated.

Benny nodded 'yep. What was it about' he asked.

'Well, there's this... family heirloom- a ring-' he pulled a necklace from his pocket, and took off a small, golden ring. 'Was your mother's mother's ring. Well, your adopted mother obviously. But you deserve it more than the other two... obviously.' he looked up 'one day, I will die, and someone will need to carry on my legacy.'

'I feel like I cannot take this, but... look, dad, I don't want to carry on your legacy. I want out-' he walked towards the window and looked out of the window. 'I want to leave' he said.

'Look, son,' the dad started 'please just accept the ring. You and I both know the others don't deserve this.'

Benny shook his head 'Why am I so special then.' he shook his head 'no. Just go' he looked directly at the dad 'leave, give me time to think' he said, walking to the door and opening it.

The dad sighed and walked out 'talk to me later, when you change your mind' he walked off, down the stairs.

Benny sighed and went back to the window. He noticed something was very off- there was an eerie feeling that he was being watched. He shook it off and thought for a moment; before someone knocked on his door again.

'Benny' Robin whispered 'shh and let me in' he said quietly.

Benny rushed to open the door, and quickly closed the door once Robin got in. 'Thank you!' he whispered back.

'No problem bud' Robin walked around, 'now, when we escaping' he grinned.

Benny pointed at the desk. 'open the top of it.' he walked over.

Robin opened the lid of the desk, showing a few keys and a map. 'Ohh this is cool!' he grinned and pulled out the map 'this the entire facility? the 'x' is the exit?'

'No... it's the location of the other stuff. It's a big place, Robin.' he took the map 'we need to take the tunnel down to the courtyard- but I think there are p-'

'People in the room with the door? Yes. I noticed' Robin said quickly. He looked at the map 'are there any other ways into the tunnel?' he asked, looking at the map.

'Sure, but outside.' he walked to the window. 'there' Benny pointed at a stable door 'in there. Dad has the only key... on that stupid necklace with- with the ring! We must steal it from him- I need your help, Robin' Benny asked.

Robin thought for a moment 'ok... but how do I get it?' he asked.

Benny thought for a moment 'Oh I have a plan. Don't worry about that.' he grinned. 'Now, run along, you'll know when to come back.'

Robin nodded and snuck out.

Benny grabbed some paper and scribbled down some stuff, then opened his door to walk downstairs.

'Come to change your mind?' his dad asked

Benny nodded 'I have made up my mind, I would be honored to take it' he forced an honest smile and carried on walking.

'Well, you understand that this has gone through the generations, through wars and fami-'

'I understand, and respect its history. I respect the choice, and everything related to the choice of choosing me.' Benny stood a good distance away and waited patiently.

'Protect this with your life' he said, taking it off of the necklace.

Robin was in the doorway, his staff pointing at the necklace. He waited.

'Thank you, dad,' he said smiling. The necklace fell to the floor. 'was it meant to do that?' He asked his dad.

The dad nodded 'yes, it does that once it becomes useless.' he lied. 'Here, you can take the neclace. It's useless, anyway' he lied again.

'Thanks, dad.'

Robin ran off, to prevent being seen. 'Hey, dad? Am I still grounded' Benny asked quickly.

'Huh? No, sure' he said walking off.

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