Chapter 13: Pride

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Benny stood at the end of the alleyway, watching cars go past. He had defeated one of the Lords, he gleamed with happiness. Something seemed wrong though, he heard whispers, muttering and chatters.

Well done! the voice in his head said. He smiled, 'Ya know what? I think I did do well' he stood up and walked down the street.

People stared and muttered as he walked past. He had a confident stride, like nothing could hurt him. He nodded at people as he walked past, giving friendly hellos and waves across the street. He sighed, feeling very happy with himself. People waved back, they nodded back, but something kept tugging the back of his mind. As if something was holding him hostage, keeping him away from reality, stopping him from seeing the truth, and stopping at nothing to have this happen. He stopped in front of a store window, someone was watching him. He waved in a friendly manner, and the person walked out.

'What do ya want kid' they asked angrily.

Benny smiled 'Dunno, feel like I just saved the world'

The man nodded 'Well kid, we all wish we could do that some day. Why don't you come on in. I will find a reward for you' he grinned.

He was middle aged with a handsome face and combed back, black hair. He acted as though his face had won rewards. He ran an award winning antiques shop that had won many prizes. It was known internationally as 'Pride's Pottery and Antiques.' Nothing special, whatsoever. He waited for Benny to enter.

The inside seemed old, impressively old, but also new. It was purposely old, purposely... Benny shook it off, he was too happy to notice anything.

A man in a wheelchair rolled over. Hello kid. he signed. Welcome to 'Pride's Pottery and Antiques.' he wheeled over to Benny. My name is Peter.

Benny nodded. Then frowned 'I don't know what you are saying' he said.

The man facepalmed. He grabbed out a note book. 'I cannot speak. I swore an oath' he wrote down.

Benny nodded 'Cool cool. And I saved the world. So shhh' he walked around the room, looking at the antique stuff. He picked up an old bronze wreath. A label was attached.

'ReWArd for Killing twEnty three Utopian trooPs' Benny chuckled and turned around. As he did, an arrow flew right over his head, giving him enough time to duck.

'You do not understand young child. You show pride in achieving a goal that any fool could achieve. What about killing enemies, not just Lords! Until proven guilty, we are innocent!' dust swirled around the middle aged dude. His skin and all internal organs dissolved into dust, as wind swirled around him.

Benny frowned 'Who are you! You know I can kill you!' he shouted, at nothing in particular.

The wind being flew around Benny. 'You have no clue how to kill me!' it laughed, the dust changing colors and making shapes as it flew. 'I am immortal!'

A bright light came from behind the thing. The wheelchair dude was holding some sword of sword...

'Seek the wheel-driving man, he who hides inside a van. The one who always knows you can, had faith in you when it all began'

The scene shifted, going dark then light again.

Benny shook his head, trying to forget everything that had happened.

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