Chapter 6: Well, This Was A Mistake

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Robin dragged Benny to the lounge, and dumped him on an old, worn couch. The room itself looked old- antique even. The walls were peeling, the lights barely turned on... the carpet was torn and ripped. The walls were moldy with dust and cobwebs in every corner.

'Pff- someone doesn't clean often' Robin muttered under his breath. 'now Benny, wake up.'

The old man had been stabbed and beaten unconscious by the boys. 'The stuff I've done for you. I guess I should wait some more' He sighed and went to watch the unconscious old man. 'At least you deserved what you got.' he sighed and kicked the old man, before walking into the kitchen, in utter silence. He rummaged through the fridge, looking for something to eat- since Benny had basically ruined their only chance of help. Most of the food was old, and covered in mold.

He made himself some food, and went to keep watch on Benny... Sleeping. He sat in silence, eating his food.

One he'd finished, he decided that he would explore the house a bit more. Something seemed off about it- something new, but something he was used to. 'Anyone here?' he shouted as he walked up the creaky old stairs.

'ug- uhhg- Huh?' there was a bang from the lounge. 'Owww' Benny groaned. He wiped his eyes and sat on the couch. 'Robin? Where'd ya go' he called out in a friendly manner. 'Please don't s-' Robin ran through the door, and walked over.

'Hello sleepy. You can't go passing out like that. Especially in dangerous situations- You coulda died! Now lets go get you food' he seemed to be being mysterious, but Benny decided to shrug it off. It was Robin, after all.

'Ok- Ok... Let me wake up first' Benny chuckled and stood up. 'Now, what happened. I remember ducking, then it's all fuzzy after that. Dunno- just fuzzy' he seemed confused, but confident in what he remembered.

'Well yea, uh... something happened, all right. You stabbed the old guy, then we beat him almost to death' Robin seemed almost unfazed by the fact they had nearly beaten a man to death. 'You got some rest, all right. Passed right out after stabbing him' he laughed.

Benny nodded 'Won't question that. Should we get going? I mean, I want to explore... but- that fall really messed with my head' he said, rubbing his forehead.

'Dunno really. We have food here, we can resupply if you want. Then go.' he shrugged and slumped on the sofa opposite.

Benny smiled slightly 'Never was allowed to do this at home' he sat up properly in a mocking manner. 'Always had to be proper and polite' he sighed. 'kinda miss it, if I'm being completely honest. All those new people- the things I learnt, my room, my bed.' He shook his head as if to try to shut himself up, and stood up 'What food is there. I'm hungry' he walked towards the kitchen, making sure to not stand on the old man- since he was still alive, just barely. 'Hey old man, mind if I borrow some food?' he grinned and got out some food.

Robin walked in. 'I'd say the old man has a few hours before he pops back up. And please, tell me how you did... whatever you did.'

Benny shrugged 'Dunno. Some voice in my head. Must be going crazy!' he looked out the window and ate a sandwich.

The garden was strangely well kept, which seemed odd because of the state of the house. The grass was green and freshly cut- there was a swing that seemed new; there was a garage with a new door, new paint, new everything! There was a shed at the other end of the garden. Something seemed off about the shed, like it was there but not there at the same time. But it was about as new as everything else. The fact made Benny shiver. He was feeling cold. Guilt. You get used to it. That voice in his head said again. He decided to shake it off. 'Oi Robin! Come 'ere' he said opening the back door. A rush of lavender and rose attacked him immediately. He had no clue what the smell was. Or why it was so powerful. He smiled and stepped outside...

He felt light headed. 'Come on out! It looks pretty.' He tried to steady his movement.

'Huh? Yea, it's a garden. What's so special' Robin asked. 'Oh- wait, you haven't seen one. Have you' he laughed.

Benny wandered around aimlessly, trying to stay conscious. He saw the garage and walked towards it. Wanting to know what weapons were inside. Obviously, there would be none.

'I will say something. It looks much fresher th-' he turned around to face the house. Or what was the house. In its place stood scaffolding and a giant hole. Picnic blankets were dotted around the area, with people sat and talking.

Someone was stood by the scaffolding, within hearing distance of Robin and Benny. 'Yes sir. There will be someone coming through here at some point. I foresaw it' The person looked like the person talking to 'War' from earlier. 'But please... don't react my good Age. They will not be able to fend you off- no one can fight off age' he laughed. His laugh was somewhat evil, but mystical at the same time. 'Now if you'll excuse me' he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Benny shook his head, then looked over. 'W- I swear this place looked different.' he said. The grass and flora around the garden all seemed old and withered. It smelled of a cemetery, of rotting flesh, dead people. It smelled of old people's homes, of funeral homes. The house looked somewhat old and crumbly. 'Well that is the only thing that makes sense in this place' he muttered.

The old man walked out of the house. The rifle had turned into a walking stick. 'They warned me, they did. They warned me you two would visit me.' he walked closer. Now, he seemed ancient and withered. He squinted and walked slowly. 'You fools. You don't understand what you have done!' the old man laughed, as dust swirled around him. 'I am one of the Lords. The people who created everything- I am part of the world!' he laughed again. 'Age... heh... Pretty bad, isn't it kid. Well, blame me for that!' he continued walking.

'Yea, ok. Cool. But why the rifle? What was it cosplay-WW2-day or something?' Benny mocked.

Robin looked scared. 'Benny. Shut up.' he said quietly.

The old man laughed 'Run along now, while you have the chance. I'll always get you in the end, anyway' the old man faded, and crumpled into dust.

Robin was shaking. 'W-we were just threatened BY A LORD' he said, half excited-half scared.

Benny nodded 'Sure.' he seemed very faint, about to pass out. 'This is a lot to take in at once- so magic is real? A-and that wand is real- sorry, staff.'

Robin nodded and raised his hand. The staff came flying towards his hand. 'I am Robin. No one special, but I did practice in magic for a bit. Then I stole my dad's stuff.' he smiled, showing his teeth. 'now come on, lets go'

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