Chapter 10: Anger

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Benny stopped once they got to the cafe. 'I refuse to believe that. I mean, the prophecy. I believe the magic ,all right. Someone- so much magic!' he looked around. People were staring. 'Don't they know about ya know, the stuff?' he whispered.

Robin shook his head 'no. they see it, but they just pass it off as camera work' he shrugged and ate his scone.

Benny leaned back against his chair 'so they see it all. What about before cameras and stuff' he asked.

Robin shrugged 'I don't know! They're everywhere! They probably have an excuse for everything!' he pointed at a homeless person, who was begging for money. 'He may be a Lord for all we know' the homeless guy had overgrown black air, torn jacket and tattered jeans.

Benny shrugged. 'Well. Never gone to a cafe before. Jack joked that people went on dates to places like these' he thought for a moment. 'Said I'd never get one' he laughed.

Robin looked over. 'Well, I wouldn't say that. You have your whole life in front of you!' he smiled in a friendly manner. He sighed sadly.

'Whats up. Something I said?' he asked quickly. He leaned over when he asked, and sneakily grabbed Robin's scone. To eat for himself.

Robin shrugged 'nothing... nothing.' he looked over at the homeless person, who was now staring directly at Robin. 'Heh, creepy-' he joked.

Benny looked back. The homeless guy was gone now.

'Probably just one that travels a lot' he lied, but he lied well.

Benny nodded sheepishly. 'Cool, cool. Thanks, by the way' he grinned and ate the rest of the scone.

Robin frowned 'S- you- I hate you sometimes' he joked. 'Just kidding. Anyway... so there was this Lord, who is honestly quite young. He's like, a mix of a few Lords I guess. He does fire and some magic. Likes money.' his frown grew. 'There's this th-'

A horse crashed into the cafe. It neighed loudly.

It's a horse the voice in Benny's head said blankly.

Robin looked shocked. 'We need to leave' he said, panicked. The rider seemed to have no legs- as if it were part of the horse itself. But Benny shook that idea off.

Run the voice said, very enthusiastically. Benny jumped, and fell back onto the upturned seat. 'Owwwww' he groaned.

Robin stood in front of Benny. 'Stay back!' he shouted at the horse-human hybrid. 'Don't hurt him! It isn't your birth-right!'

The horse ran quickly towards Robin, the human's sword narrowly missing his neck. The human growled 'I can do whatever I want!' it changed into a tall human. Dust swirled everywhere.

People screamed and ran away from the cafe, but something seemed to stop them getting out. A man stood in the center of the cafe, wielding a metal rod. He seemed to not be afraid, though he very much should have been. Someone appeared next to him. Someone dressed in all white.

'Lady of the Light' Benny muttered.

Robin nodded 'and Lord of Darkness- kinda go hand-in-hand. They are complete opposites. Though they do work together.' he shrugged.

The ex-horse person laughed 'you two think you can stop me? Ha ha ha- the war is not over yet!'

Lady of the Light walked forward. She had a dove hat. 'Stay down Fred. No one needs to get hurt' she said.

Lord of the Darkness nodded in agreement. 'Freedom does not grant you permission to kill anyone you want'

'Ha! You mere mortals. I am more than one of you! I am from before your time!' his laugh echoed throughout the street. 'I created you two. The first people. The first Lord and Lady. Lacy and David. You and your friends. They all died! I killed them.' he laughed again, his laughter rattling Benny's bones.

Sword. You need a sword the voice in Benny's head said. 'A sword! Where will I g-' a sword formed in his hand. Similar to his father, the hilt fit perfectly. Now, my better half is with your father. Can you try get it back? That will grant me my FULL power

The sword glowed faintly. Benny grinned. 'Stand down, old man' he walked forward, wielding the sword. 'I have- actually what even is it. Do-' DUCK! Benny ducked.

Fred laughed. 'and this stupid little human! Hahaha- you stand no chance. You will face me when the time is right, when you can no longer see clearly, once the line between truth and fiction blurs... you will face me!' he disappeared in a puff of dark dust.

David walked over. He'd taken the form of the homeless person again. 'Thank you, my friend' his smile seemed cold and distant.

'That's darkness? Seems awfully nice' Benny whispered to Robin.

'Yea. He prefers to look like a good person. It's all a lie.' Robin passed out.

Benny stared in shock, he grabbed Robin's shoulders and shook him awake. It didn't work.

He looked around for someone to help him, but it never came. He stood there in silence, his eyes closed, he kept hold of Robin.

'Yes. We should put one in.'

'Where should we put it- we have all this space' a voice said.

Benny opened his eyes.

Two figures stood in front of a desk. Hundreds of monitors sat on top of the desk, showing different things at once.

'What do you think, Benny' Benny fell back. A voice came from him, but not his. A different voice, one more older that sprung wisdom. 'whatever you believe will be best, do that. Please, I prefer not to spy on people' the other Benny said.

Benny watched all this take place. He looked around, to try and figure out where they were.

'Something will happen here' a woman walked over and pointed to a map. She seemed familiar. 'I can set up cameras here. Statues here' she pointed to a different place on the map. 'Set up this place there' she pointed at another place. She then pulled out a small statue- that of a cafe and a horse.

Benny tried to shout, but he couldn't. He knew who that woman was.

'Benny, you created almost every belief in the world, whispered into people's ears, told people that they can do it. What should. We. Do.'

'Prevent you. Prevent yourself form doing anything stupid- from... from War.'

The scene ended, Benny woke up outside the cafe, surrounded by people with Robin standing over him.

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