Chapter 1: A Rough Start

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An alarm went off, as a boy fell out of bed, sleepily. He broke the alarm clock and opened his eyes. His room had some fake weapons, and some armor. He yawned, and looked out of the window- it overlooked a courtyard where he saw some other boys and girls his age fighting each other. He smiled and walked out of his room, going to eat food. He had grey eyes and messy brown hair. He was adopted by a couple with a son and daughter. He walked down the stairs, to get some food before he practiced fighting. He took some food, and started eating.

He walked to the weapon shed to gather his gear then walked out to the courtyard. He looked for his brother and sister and walked over. They always knew the new people who needed help.

'Morning sleepy' his brother joked, 'yea, Benny, there's some new kid over there. Doesn't seem to bright if I do say so myself' he grinned and went back to fighting.

'Thanks, Jack' he muttered, walking to the new kid.

The new kid had short, ginger hair and carried a walking stick that looked like a shrunk down tree. He was stood in the corner, watching other people, as he saw Benny walking over. Benny sighed, not wanting to kill the newbie.

'Morning- I'm Benny, I'll be helping you blah blah the usual. Look, just show me what you are capable of.' he said, somewhat bored.

'I'm Robin, I like fire' he smiled. His walking stick changed into a long staff as he shot a beam of fire at the tall, stone wall. Benny stared in awe. 'Do... do you need me to learn how to use a sword as well? I can kinda use this like a sword... I guess' He swung it around at Benny, who blocked it in return; with some difficulty.

'W-wow. So, you are definitely skilled. I am definitely impressed. Now, w-' A tall middle-aged man walked out into the courtyard 'Oh- it's just dad coming to watch. He sometimes even trains some of us. Now, lets fight' Benny said, getting into a fighting stance. His dad watched from a distance, talking to someone quietly. Benny tried to concentrate on fighting Robin, dodging all of his attacks, and swinging to knock him onto the floor. Robin managed to leap over each swing, Benny leaped back 'Ok! ok! thats enough. You are definitely better' He joked.

Jack walked over, 'Been beaten yet, newbie?' he asked Robin.

'Uhhh no. Benny here is awful' he chuckled and hit Benny over the head.

Jack caught Benny 'Whoa there Newbie! He's only human' Benny grumbled, trying to stay conscious.

'I, Newbie, have a name' Robin said, slightly agitated by Jack now.

'yea? I, Jack, like nicknames. So can it' he walked away to his dad and walked inside.

'Robin, I'm sorry, Jack can be a jerk.' Benny said, standing up. He had a small scar on the side of his face. 'If it weren't for Jack, I'd get out of here and explore the place. But no! Mr Goody-two-shoes won't let me.' he shrugged 'look, I've been training my whole life. I am just too sleepy to get through the day. Big night last night, someone found a certain... weapon and broke into the main house- there-' he pointed to the building Jack came from. Robin looked at the building, then at Benny.

'You trapped here?' he asked Benny, who was leaning against the wall

'yea, got a plan to escape, but Jack' he shrugged and started walking towards the building.

Robin followed 'can you tell me the plan?' he asked quietly.

Benny nodded 'follow me. I'll show you' he whispered, walking towards the wall.

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