Chapter 7: Juras-tic Park

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'So this is the real world' Benny asked, as they left the old dude's house.

'Yep. Nothing special, is it' Robin asked. His staff was in the form of a crutch, to hide the magical staff. 'People would think nothing of it, because they live here. I mean, sure, I may get a few stares from what I have, but it's best to keep it hidden. Can't have anything magical being seen, now, can we.'

'Do regular people know about the Lord's' Benny asked.

'Well, no. They believe in gods, they believe in myth and all that nonsense- it really is amusing. Heh, some believe that the government is evil.' he chuckled and carried on walking. 'Now, some of the Lords are hiding among us. They're just people, the first people. You have the Lord of War' he waved his hands. 'He's basically the bad guy. You got some dude who we just saw, Lady of the Light. She's basically some person who controls light. Also, she is pacifist. Just is there, I guess. Some of them are much more ancient. Some came before even humans. They are not people though. They are beliefs, they are concepts. You cannot humanize a concept, can you.'

'But what ab-'

'Shhhhh' Robin hushed him. 'Now, come on. We have to keep moving' he smiled and dragged Benny across the road. 'You are new to this world, as new as I am to yours' he smiled. He dragged him to a forested area, like woods, with some people having picnics and swimming in the small lake. The trees scraped the sky, Benny looked in shock.

'T-thi- I am so happy I decided to leave. So much to discover. It- I...' he was at a loss for words. His happiness was ripped away from him when a kid ran past.

'Are you homeless, mister?' the boy asked.


'No, I am not. What makes you think of something like that' Benny asked, slightly harshly.

'Well- the raggedy and dirty clothes.' The boy looked around 7 years old, Benny thought the boy should have known better.

'Maybe its a style choice. You'll understand one day, kid.' he tried to push the boy away.

'Benny... Not now' Robin whispered to Benny. He looked at the boy and smiled. 'Why don't you go, run away to your mummy. And don't remember us, we mean nothing' he waved at him to leave.

As the boy turned around, he ran back to his mother, who was having a picnic with some other person. Benny assumed they were partners, the boy's parents. He frowned.

'I never had that.' He said slightly jealously. 'The castle was so boring, nothing interesting ever happened.' he kicked a stone.

'I was named after a bird. Hush' Robin stared at Benny, slightly agitated. 'Don't complain about your lack of good parenting'

Benny nudged him 'hush Birdie-boy' he carried on walking, smiling to himself. He was quite proud of that remark, obviously since his brother was full of them. He sniffed the air. A small group of people had made a campfire in the middle of a ring of tents. 'Hey- That's what I smelled!' he looked at Robin. 'You smell of smoke!' he grinned, like he'd just discovered Robin's biggest secret.

'Well, yea. Went camping a lot' he mumbled. Robin tried to change the subject 'Hey! Look- a river' he tried to seem excited by this, and took Benny's hand. 'Can drink from this' he guessed.

Benny shrugged and followed 'Hey, where do we get food from' he asked suddenly.

Robin looked back. 'What food. Pub? Fancy? Cheap and easy?' he listed. Benny shrugged.

'Cheap and easy. But lets go to that river you seem so fond about' he gestured for him to keep walking.

Along the river, were small statues of dinosaurs, drinking from the water. Benny found it strange, but kept walking. The dinosaurs were varied, there were different types, shapes, and sizes. Some moved their heads up and down, spraying water. Some tails swished back and forth. Benny was intrigued, wondering why they had random statues of dinosaurs in a park. 'H-'

'Don't ask questions about the dinosaurs' Robin said, guessing what Benny was going to ask.

Benny pouted. So it's a river, I can find one at home. Big deal' he complained. Robin looked around, as if making sure no one was there.

'Will you please stop complaining!' he said, a little too loudly. One of the dinosaur heads turned towards them. A voice rang from behind them.

'Cameras! It's a public park!'

The voice faded as suddenly as it appeared.

Robin was too distracted, attacking one of the statues. The statue didn't move, but Robin seemed to be doing something. Like trying to rub out the dinosaur, open something- 'Hey! It worked!' he smiled, as the dinosaur head moved back and forth. There was a hatch open with wires sticking out. 'Cameras!' he grinned. 'I like cameras'

Benny watched, 'When did you learn how to do that! I n- wait you were brought up in the normal world.' Benny sighed, feeling like he'd missed out.

Robin walked over. His eyes menacing. 'Don't say normal. You were brought up in a safe place. Safe from everything in the world! Don't say NORMAL' he took a deep breath and frowned. 'Sorry' he said, sitting by the dinosaur.

Benny sat beside him.

'Sorry' he said. He pulled the necklace out of his pocket. 'It's late to bring this up, but dad dropped it when he handed it over. Then he tried to hide the fact that he did' he said to break the silence.

Robin nodded 'Tell me, Benny, do you believe in fate' he asked.

Benny shrugged. 'Dunno. What, you gonna tell me there's a lord now who can see the future' he waved his hands in a rainbow shape in the air.

Robin facepalmed. 'Well, yea. But they're a dark one. Like an oracle. Tells you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. Tells you things you don't want to hear. Like how you die. When you die-' he shook his head. 'Forget I said anything' he said. A tear rolled down his cheek.

'Hey whats wrong' Benny asked kindly.

'No- nothing. Just- these dinosaurs are cameras. Hooked up to a system. If we change the wiring... we could find out where the footage goes!'

'Yes.' Benny grinned. 'Do it!' he said excitedly.

Right as Robin got up, something formed in the water.

Leave NOW the voice in Benny's head rang. NOW

Benny looked over at Robin 'We need to leave, like, NOW' he said, his voice shaking. 

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