Chapter Forty-One

Start from the beginning

"Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence." he chuckled, looking at the time. It was almost noon and they had yet to make their presence known to other residents of the Manor. Patting her thigh, he got up and stretched. "Come on, we have to get you fed. Doc said three square meals a day, and don't think I'm gonna start slacking."

Rory laid on her side watching him, the way his shirt rose when he stretched, the ever-present smile on his face, and the silver ring shining on his finger. Tim was hers, all hers, and nothing was going to change that.

Seeing that she was watching him, Tim raised a brow and looked at her. "What?" he chuckled.

"Nothing, just admiring the view."

Tim's expression turned into a smirk, "Admiring the view huh?" Walking over, he placed a kiss to her lips. "If we were at our apartment, I'd be wearing a lot less."

"Is that a threat, Mr. Drake?" she asked, brushing her lips against his.

"A promise, so you better pass Bruce's exam with flying colors."

Rory rolled her eyes and got up, grabbing his hand. Now that they were together, nothing was going to stand in their way. Except, the idiot who was standing outside their door. An idiot they knew as Jason Todd.

"About time you two showed your faces around here, I was about to check and see if you were still alive," he teased.

"When are you ever going to grow up?" Rory asked, pushing past him still holding tight to Tim's hand.

Jason looked at them, a suspicious look on his face. Roy told him something very interesting he overheard, and neither of them knew if it was true. Deciding to take it upon himself, Jason was going to find out.

"What were you two doing?" he asked, jogging to catch up.

Tim looked at him, wrapping his arm around Rory. "Wouldn't you like to know weather boy?"

Jason frowned, pursing his lips in discontent. "Now that's not very funny."

"I mean, I'm laughing." Rory giggled, leaning into Tim's hold.

"You two are insufferable."

Following them down, Jason watched as the two of them got some late breakfast and sat together chatting idly. Walking over, he sat next to Roy whose arm was in a sling from the gunshot wound.

Roy had woken up in the hospital the day after Tim brought back Rory, and she was the first to see him when he woke up, punching his good shoulder for scaring her like that and not calling for help.

Steph watched Tim and Rory from across the table, something was different but she couldn't figure out what it was. It wasn't a new haircut or anything like that, it was subtle like there was a difference in their dynamic. If only she could pinpoi--

Her eyes widened, realizing just what she was looking at. Looking at Tim's hand then Rory's, Steph figured out what was different.

"Rory, what the fuck is that?" she asked, pointing to the ring on her finger.

Stopping mid-bite, Rory froze and looked at her then the others who stopped what they were doing to listen in on their conversation. Setting down her cantaloupe slice, Rory pointed to the ring. "This? I would think you'd know what a ring is Steph," she said.

Steph narrowed her eyes, not satisfied with the answer. "Is that an engagement ring?"

The second those words left her lips, it was like everyone exploded.

"Tim proposed!?" cried several voices and everyone came barreling towards them to check out the ring.

Tim wrapped his arms around Rory, holding her close so she didn't get knocked off by Steph fighting off Dick and Jason to get a good look at the ring on her finger.

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