i wonder, do you see them too?

Start from the beginning

"If we hadn't come here, you would have died," Supergirl said.

"It doesn't matter, I'm not your problem anymore," Mon said and Supergirl scoffed as she glared at him. Why would Iris let herself love a bastard like him?

"How could you have changed so much? It's only been seven months," Supergirl said.

"No, it's been seven years!" Mon yelled and Supergirl eyed him. "It's been seven months for you, but it has been seven years for me since the day I went in that pod."

"What?" Supergirl asked and Mon sighed.

"When I left Earth, I went through some kind of wormhole. Kor-El calls it a disruption. And it took me to the future. And I've been living on Earth, in the 31st century, for the past seven years," Mon explained.

"That explains why he's not allergic to lead anymore," Winn said.

"L-Corp develops a cure about four-hundred years from now," Mon added.

"So what?" Supergirl asked and Mon looked at her again. "You just...You just forgot about Iris? Why are you still wearing the necklace?"

Suddenly, the entire system started beeping and flashing red. "No. No, no," Mon said as he ran up to the screens and Supergirl stared at it confused.

"What? What is it?" She asked.

"The power to the chambers are failing," Mon said before he ran back over to where Winn was.

"Does that mean that everybody else is gonna wake up?" He asked.

"No, it means they're going to die," Mon said before he started to press buttons on the controls. "We can reroute the power to all the chambers except..." He then turned to one of the chambers, a specific chamber, to see that whoever was inside, started to drown within it. "No."

He ran up to the chamber, placing his hands on the chamber, not sure what to do. "What's wrong?" Winn asked.

"She's drowning," Mon said before he tried to punch the chamber, but it wasn't breaking. He tried again and again but nothing happened. "Damn it. I can't... It's white dwarf glass, I can't..." Supergirl then intervened and punched the glass, which broke.

Inside the chamber, was revealed an unconscious woman, with short dark hair. She fell forwards but Mon caught her before she could crash to the ground. He slowly lowered her down as Winn and Supergirl eyed him. "Imra? Imra? Imra?" Mon asked, trying to wake her. He then leveled his ear to her mouth, to slightly hear that she was breathing and he sighed relieved. "She's okay. She's breathing."


Standing around in the med bay, Alex hooked the woman, Imra, into machines, while Mon, Winn, Kara and Iris stood around. "Are there any updates?" Mon asked.

"She's stable for now," Alex said.

"We're still analyzing her genetic makeup so we can treat her properly. I mean, is there anything you can tell us to help?" Winn asked.

"She's from Titan," Mon said before he glanced at Iris for a moment, just to see her crossing her arms, and looking sternly at the woman in the bed. "Without power to the ship she may have been off life support longer than we think."

Iris then slowly walked in front of him, clearly wanting answers questioned. "Who is she?" She asked.

"Her name is Imra," Mon said and Iris nodded before looking back at the woman. "Winn, will you let me know if her condition changes?"

"Yeah, of course," Winn said before Mon walked away. Iris watched him go as Kara and Alex stood by her, watching with her.

"He's from the future," Iris whined and Kara placed an arm around her.

Finding You » SuperFlash {5} √Where stories live. Discover now