"What else can you find out?" J'onn asked.

"Oh! The USGS geothermal scans, we can pull up one of those to find these coordinates," Winn said before he also brought those up onto the screen. But what they saw, was an alien like ship, stuck into the bedrock. "Okay. Well, I can tell you two things, right off the bat. One, according to the rock layers, that ship has been under there for about twelve-thousand years, and two, whatever metal it's made out of is not on the periodic table." Iris crinkled her eyebrows as she looked at Supergirl, the both of them wondering where this ship came from.

Streets of National City

Supergirl, Winn, Iris and J'onn walked through the sidewalks, as Winn's device beeped. "Okay, slow down, slow down. We're getting close, we're getting close," Winn told Supergirl, who was just trying to figure out what was happening. "Wait. No. Hey. Wait, okay. Ship should be right under us."

They all looked at each other awkwardly as Iris fiddled with her fingers. "Okay," she muttered. "What now?"

"All right, stand back," Supergirl said, and Winn and Iris, together, stepped away from the hero. "Everyone, stand back." She then looked back at a confused Iris and Winn. "I saw Clark do this once. Get back!" Supergirl then twisted her body, about to do something, but J'onn quickly stopped her.

"Wait, wait, wait!" He snapped and Supergirl looked at him. "There's a way of doing this without destroying public property. Let's go."

He then pulled them all to the side, where he saw a entrance towards below the surface. "Oh, man, I wanted to see that. Awesome," Winn muttered, but Iris and Supergirl just stared at J'onn confused.

"All right," J'onn said before he awkwardly pulled them all into his arms.

"Yes, because I love being this close to Winn's face," Iris muttered.

"What are you doing?" Winn asked.

"This might feel a little weird," J'onn said before he transformed them into the ground, causing Winn to scream out in terror as he did.


The four fell through into a futuristic ship, and Winn internally and externally freaked out. "Oh, God, that was horrible," Winn exclaimed but Iris shushed him. "That was amazing," he then whispered and Iris gave him a look. "Can we do that all the time, please?"

"No," J'onn sternly said.

"Okay," Winn muttered before they all walked into what seemed to be the main part of the ship. There was control systems, and screens, and what seemed to be human capsules. "Is that a person?"

Winn and Iris stared at a human capsule to see a dark figure inside. "Looks like," J'onn said as Supergirl saw all of the capsules were closed except for one.

"There's an empty one," she said and they all looked back.

"So, are you saying someone is lurking around this ship right now?" Iris whispered and Supergirl nodded.

"Okay, that's not creepy, not at all," Winn whispered. But suddenly a nearby door slid open and they all looked to see a tall figure holding a blaster. Supergirl covered her friends as she activated her laser heat vision.

"This just got serious," Iris whispered, but right then the figure shot at Supergirl, who deflected it by shielding up her arms.

"Don't shoot," she said, but the figure spoke an alien language, no one understood. "We're not here to hurt you."

But right then, the figure came into the light, leaving everyone speechless. Supergirl froze as Iris stepped to the side, to see who it was. "Oh, my," she whispered as the figure suddenly dropped his blaster. He looked almost joyous, relieved, a weight lifted off his chest.

Finding You » SuperFlash {5} √Where stories live. Discover now