
670 14 3

- 5 minutes earlier

Ricky was on the dance floor,already pretty drunk,having lost the count of the shots he had.He was dancing around freely,no thoughts in his head when he felt two hands close his eyes.
''Guess who?'' a girl's voice asked.He smirked at himself.
''Didn't know you would get bored so fast,Neens.'' he said turning around expecting to find Nini.
''Not Nini,better actually.'' Allison said smugly.
''Um,hi?'' he said.
''Hey.I was looking around for you.'' she said,tracing a finger on his arm.
He cleared his throat.''Why?'' he asked,nervously.
''Do I need a reason? Maybe I wanted to talk to you.It's been a while.'' she added.
''Oh.'' was all he said.
She felt her phone buzzing,getting a notification,smirking as she saw the text.
''Anyways,I'm going to play spin the bottle.You coming? This is getting boring anyways.'' she said.
''Oh,come on Bowen.It'll be fun.'' she said,catching his hand.
He sighed.''Sure,why not?'' he said and let her drag him until they reached the group of people,sitting down at the circle.
It was a few moments later that he saw Nini coming as well with Aiden and Gina,taking a seat opposite of him.He wondered what she was doing here,since she had Aiden by her side but he didn't try to make a lot of sense out of it.After a bunch of shots and dancing,he was pretty much drunk,not really thinking of what he was doing and saying himself anyways,which is part of why he even agreed to this.
Some people played a few rounds,a couple of people getting to kiss before it was his turn.He felt a pair of eyes on him but didn't pay attention to it and spinned the bottle which eventually ended on Allison,causing him to gulp.She smirked at herself and got closer to him,grabbing his neck,while he stood there.
''Aw,don't tell me you're scared,it's not like it's the first time.'' she said with a fake pout.He rolled his eyes and without thinking crashed his lips on hers.When he moved away he quickly looked at Nini's way who had her jaw clenched and an annoyed look at her face.At any other time,he would probably apologise,but in his drunken state he found some sort of satisfaction at the way her jaw clenched and the effect he seemed to have on her. This was probably the reason why he agreed when Allison asked him to go dance and quickly left the group of friends.He was tired of being hurt and sad every-time he looked at Nini and Aiden.He just wanted to feel good for once.
Nini,on the other hand couldn't help but feel angry and jealous,even though she didn't want to admit it,as she saw the two kissing.The feelings intensified when she saw Allison whispering in his ear,grabbing him by the hand and leading him to the dance floor.
She cleared her throat.''Gi,me and Aiden got tired here.We're going to dance for a while.'' she said and stood up without waiting for a response.She lead Aiden there,finding a spot near Ricky and Allison.She smirked at Ricky when she noticed him looking at her and pulled  her boyfriend closer. Let the fun begin?

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