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Nini was sitting at the waiting room,Red by her side,tapping her foot nervously as they waited for the doctor to come out of the room and inform about how the surgery went.She had lost hope of Ricky appearing but that was the last thing on her mind at the moment.

''Moms,I think I'm going to take a walk around here,I can't stand being here doing nothing.''Nini spoke up.
''Okay,honey,we will call you immediately if something happens.''
She nodded and made her way out of the waiting room.As she was wondering around the corridors,lost in her thoughts she heard a familiar voice calling her name.
She turned around.''Oh hi Aiden.''
''Hey.''he smiled at her.''What are you doing here?''he asked.
''Oh um-''she stuttered.
''It's okay if you don't want to say.''he exclaimed.
''Well what are you doing here?''she questioned and sat at one of the chairs nearby.
''My father is a doctor,I came here today to help him out a little''
''Well,my grandma is here for surgery.''she said.''We're hearing how it went anytime now.''She didn't usually talked about her private life with people she didn't know well but it was something about Aiden and she wasn't afraid to trust him.
''I'm sorry Nini.I really hope everything goes well.''he said and sent her a sympathetic smile.
She nodded.''It's just scary you know?She means a lot to me.''
''Yeah I understand.I went through something similar with my dad a few years back and it was scary. Everything turned out fine though like it will happen now.But Nini'' he said and timdly grabbed her hand.''I'm always here for you.''
''Thank you.''she sent him a grateful smile.''I think I should head back now though,don't want to not be there in case the doctor comes .''she said standing up.
''Do you want me to come with you?''he asked.''I don't want to invade your privacy or anything,you just seem to need the support and I would love to be-''
She let out a small laugh,the first one the last hours.''Yeah,come,I'd love one more friend by my side.''
Both of them started walking towards the room her family was in and as they arrived they saw the doctor approaching them,a file in his hand.
Everyone looked at him anxiously waiting for the news.
''The surgery went very well,Mrs Salazar-Roberts.You have nothing to worry about.'' she said smiling.
A huge breath of relief escaped all of them.
''Can we go see her?'' Dana asked.
''She's resting now so not yet.I would advice you to see her in a while,we'll let you know.''
She nodded.''Thank you so much doctor.''
''Of course,I will be in my office if something is needed.''she said and left.
As soon as she did the Salazar-Roberts family embraced each other in a big hug.
The rest of her friends followed giving her hugs and being happy for her,since they all knew how much Lola meant to her.
When they were finished,Aiden nudged her offering her a smile.''I told you everything was going to be okay.''
She giggled.''Yes you did.Thank you,for being here.'' she said and wrapped her arms around him.
''Of course.'' he muttered,warmth invading his body at her touch.
It was a few moments later when the door opened and Nini turned around to see an anxious Ricky approaching,immediately tensing at the sight of him.

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