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Ricky was sitting at the kitchen table,sipping on his coffee,trying to stay awake as he didn't get much sleep the night before.He tossed and turned,hundreds of thoughts swarming in his head.He anxiously tapped his foot on the floor as he waited for Nini to arrive,who had texted him a bit earlier to tell him she would come over soon.He was very close to cancelling his plans with her,making up an excuse,but he knew she would see right through him,and he couldn't afford her catching him lying.To say he was nervous would be an understatement.He didn't know if he could act normally around her after his realisation just a few hours ago.What if she took notice of his behaviour?The bell rang,distracting from his thoughts,so he wiped his hands on his sweatpants and moved towards the door.He opened it to see Nini standing there,a smile on her face,causing one to take over his face involuntarily.
''Good Morning Neens.'' he said and sent her a soft smile.
''Good Morning.'' she said happily and moved forward to give him a hug.This wasn't something different for them,they always have been affectionate with each other.What was different was the way he felt as he wrapped his arms around her.He never noticed before how her hair smelled like strawberry,how her small body perfectly fitted to his,how at peace he felt at her touch.She moved away from the hug and smiled at him making her way to the kitchen.
''So what did you do last night?''she asked as she started making her coffee.
''Um,nothing much,played some video games.'' he lied. ''What about you?Did you have fun?'' he asked begrudgingly.He didn't miss the light blush on her cheeks.She nodded.''Yes,lot of fun.'' she said and poured some milk in her coffee avoiding his eyes.She didn't know if she was supposed to tell him about the date just yet,and she felt kind of guilty for not telling him about it.What was the difference if she told him anyways,she thought.
''Actually last night,was a date.''she said sheepishly,sipping her coffee a bit.
He felt his chest tightening at her words.''Um,yeah,I figured.'' he said,momentarily looking at his feet.''I saw him dropping you off last night so I assumed.''he said truthfully,rubbing his neck.
''Oh,then sorry for not being honest yesterday about it.We always tell each other everything but I don't know,I didn't think you wanted to know about this.'' she laughed awkwardly.
''Don't apologise Neens.But you can always tell me everything.'' no matter how much they will hurt me,he almost said.
''Can I ask you something?And I need you to answer me honestly.''
''Shoot.'' he said as he drank a bit of his coffee as well.
''Do you like Aiden?'' she asked catching him off guard.''Because,I feel like you don't really,and your opinion matters to me.''she said anxiously.''It's not like I would stop hanging out with him,but I would like for you to get along,you know?''
He didn't like Aiden,it was as simple as that.He knew that he was a good guy,he had done nothing wrong but he couldn't find it in him to like him.Not when the image of him kissing Nini was replaying in his head like a broken record.But Nini did and he knew he was important to her.''Yes,I do like him.We just haven't really got to know each other.But since it's important to you,I'll make an effort.'' he said and he saw her let out a breath of relief.
''That's great.'' she said and left her finished cup on the counter.''Anyways.''she turned around to him.''What do you want to do,now?''
''Do you want to watch that episode we left unfinished a few days ago?''he asked.
''Sure.'' she shrugged and moved towards the living room,plopping on the couch.
He got the remote control and pressed play as he sat close to her.
As they were watching,Ricky couldn't focus on the show.His eyes drifted to the beautiful brunette next to him,who was laughing.The sun was peeking through the window,illuminating her hair.Has she always been this beautiful? He studied her as she chuckled at the joke the main character did,noticing her small dimples and her cute smile,a smile of his own forming as well.It was like seeing her in a whole different light.
''Ricky did you hear me?'' he heard her say.
''Didn't you hear what I said?What are you thinking?'' she asked.
''Um,nothing sorry I got distracted.'' he said and hoped she didn't notice him blushing.If she did,she didn't say anything.
''I said I'm hungry.Wanna go get something to eat?'' she asked.
''Or we could make something ourselves.Like those cookies my dad makes.'' he suggested.
''Oo,yes,I'm in.'' and stood up excited.
She opened up the cabinet taking out some ingredients as he did the same with the fridge.
Both of them worked in sync for a while mixing up ingredients.Nini finished up with her work and turned on the oven.She took a peek at Ricky to see him struggling do his own part,letting out a low chuckle.
She went over to him and rested her head on his shoulder.''What are you even doing?'' she said.He felt her hot breath on his neck causing him to shiver and his mind to get a little fuzzy for a moment.
''I-what?'' he hated that she made him nervous now.
''You're doing it wrong dumbass.'' she said and touched his hand to show him how he should work.Her touch on his hand didn't help him to concentrate as he almost let the bowl fall before Nini caught it.
She couldn't help but laugh.''Ricky! I knew you couldn't cook but come on.'' she said giggling.
''Oh shut up.'' he said with heated cheeks.''It's not like you're much better.''
''Hm,definitely better than you.'' she said smugly.
''Well.'' he dipped his finger in the dough.''I don't think so''he said and touched her nose.
''You didn't.'' she gasped.
''Oh,but I did.''
''You're so on.'' she exclaimed and got the package of flour throwing some at him,making him look like a mess,causing her to laugh loudly.
''You think this is funny?'' he said with a pout and came closer to her.
''Yes,very much so.'' she said.
''We'll see if you think the same now.''
Before she could muster a response,he grabbed her by the waist and put her on his shoulder,her letting out a yelp.
''Ricky,put me down!'' she exclaimed,a small giggle unintentionally leaving her lips.
''Gladly.'' he said and let her fall on the couch,with him settled on top of her.
''Ricky,let me go.'' she huffed.
''Apologise for throwing half the flour on top of me.'' he said pouting.
''No.'' she said playfully.
''Well,you asked for it.'' he said.
''What?'' she asked as he started tickling her.
''Ricky!Stop!''she said laughing.''Fine,fine.'' she exclaimed and he stopped.
''Fine what?'' he teased.
''I'm so incredibly sorry.'' she said,still giggling.
''Apology accepted.'' he said but he didn't dare to move.
Instead he looked at her,dough on her nose,her dimples displayed and her hair all messed up and all he wanted to do was close the gap between them and kiss her for hours.
''Why are you looking at me like that?''she whispered,her cheeks lightly pink under his gaze.
''I-'' he started but the loud sound of the oven beeping interrupted them,the moment ruined.She rolled under him and stood up,going to the kitchen to close it.
''So this was a failure.'' she said.
''Clearly.''he snorted.
''I'll order some donuts.'' she proposed.
''Oo,can you get me the one with the sprinkles?''
''Duh,they're my favourite too.''she said.
After she placed their order,Ricky went to change his clothes since his previous ones were covered with flour.
A few minutes later,the delivery arrived and both of them took their seats on the couch,brooklyn nine-nine playing on the background as they munched on their donuts.
Ricky took a moment to bask in the domesticity of it all,and thought that even though he didn't have Nini the way he wanted her,and maybe he never would,he still had her as his best friend and he would never let her go again.

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