Arcane: (Mentally) "Regenerating type, similar to the one in Hosu. Two special types present. It should not be a problem with mist."

Nomu: "Are… you… strong… enough?"

Arcane: "Shut up."

A huge explosion was heard, she looked up to see the broken part of the building scattered in pieces along with Hawks jumping out.

Arcane: "Good riddance…"

She turns around to see the Nomu charging towards her.

Nomu: "You're… in the… way!"

The Nomu leaps towards her but suddenly a huge spike emerges from the ground and pierced the Nomu's head, scattering blood everywhere. But the Nomu suddenly continues to move and knocks her into a nearby building.

Arcane: "Damn it…"

She quickly got up and ran outside towards the street to see the Nomu waiting for her.

Nomu: "Are… your… mist… gone? Or. Are… you… not… using it… properly?"

Arcane sighs and shakes her head as the Nomu charges towards her again. She crosses her arms.

Arcane: (sighs) "Yowai Mo." (I've had enough.)

She closes her eyes and looks away as the Nomu suddenly stops advancing and begins to shake.

Nomu: "Are… A-Are…-"

The Nomu suddenly bursts into multiple pieces, scattering blood everywhere, showing a sight no one wants to see, from it, a solid body of mist is seen floating on top of the scattered remains and slowly dissipates.

Arcane: (opens eyes) "Gross…"

Arcane winces as a small drop of blood emerges from her eyes again.

Arcane: "I hate this downside…"

Footsteps are heard as a small group of Cloaked Heroes are seen approaching. They stopped as a familiar voice began speaking.

Flash Bang: "Boss, we heard of the situation here. There are more on standby and on the way. What's the situation?"

Arcane: "Nomu situation. I already took care of this one."

Arcane looks at the smoothy-looking remnants of the Nomu she faced.

Flash Bang: "Isn't that a bit…"

Arcane: "I know."

Flash Bang: "No. I mean… that looks like quick work."

Arcane: "This new type of Nomu is dangerous and the situation doesn't allow for containment. Termination is the only option for now. Endeavor is taking care of the other one. The least we can do now is assist in evacuation and creating a controlled area. Follow our usual protocol."

Everyone: "Yes, ma'am!"

Suddenly, weaker-looking Nomus came flying in around them and some civilians.

Flash Bang: "Nomus!"

Arcane: "Basic-looking types!"

One of the cloaked heroes pointed his index finger at one of the Nomus and it suddenly melted.

Cloaked Hero 1: "One down."

The other cloaked heroes began charging towards the Nomus but Hawks suddenly flies down and slashed the Nomus head with his feathers.

Cloaked Hero 2: "It's Hawks!"

Hawks: "Arcane, it looks like you made quite a gorey show."

Arcane: "Stop your lousy humor right now. We need to focus on evacuation. How's Endeavor?"

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