Extreme social. But he hates her company. Because there were a lot of occasions in which he had let his guards down.

And she keeps on reminding him the things he wants to forget. So how on earth would he love her company? That is the only offence he had against her.

If she would just sit and chat and mind her own business, he would have never found her annoying.

In fact if he had met her in a different circumstance, maybe he would have sat and chatted with her for hours. But sadly that's not the case. So he tried to avoid her.

He knew she had a bad reputation in the school. She herself had told him the reason. Everyone used to hate her because of her obsession over Jeon Jungkook, the school basketball captain.

Tae already heard a lot about that arrogant brat. First from Hyunjin and then from Yura.

The guy had lashed out at Yura countless times. It's not surprising that Jungkook finds Yura annoying. But to treat her as if she is a pest or the most hateful creature in the whole world, it's a bit too much.

According to Tae, the guy had crossed his lines. How could he humiliate a girl like that in front of the entire school.

In fact, according to Yura, Jungkook had never missed a chance to make fun of his obsessive fangirl. His attitude to her, had given a chance for everyone to treat her the same way.

Tae was not a fool to believe everything she said. So he asked Hyunjin. Both of his cousins had confirmed everything she said.

Jungkook was not someone both of his cousins adorned. So if knew not know better, there were chances for him to assume that his cousins were lying.

But he knew they wouldn't lie to him. And they have no reasons to lie. So everything he heard was true. He was not happy about the things he heard. Yura may be annoying.

But there is no need to make a fuse over that. Tae too had found her annoying. But it was because of his own insecurities. But one thing he knew for sure was that he was not gonna hurt her.

Neither by words nor action. Reason may be a little silly. So he's not gonna tell anyone that he found himself in her.

He used to be the same with Jae. Always being clingy. But that was because they were in a relationship. He used to think that the other loved him. But if he had got a faintest hint that Jae found him clingy, he would have stopped.

But unfortunately he never noticed. He never knew his boyfriend used to hate him because of his behaviour.

If he hadn't heard that conversation, he would never have known that not all people appreciate his extreme social approach.

He really wants to tell Yura about this. But he doesn't want to hurt her. Jae had never said any hurtful words to him. But he used to listen with utmost interest.

That's the reason Tae finds it very difficult to believe that Jae was pretending to love him.

Tae considers Jungkook a rude and arrogant guy. If Jae can tolerate him, then Jungkook could have tolerated Yura.

He needn't accept her, but at least he shouldn't have hurt her like he did. So instead of hurting her Tae decided to avoid her. It's a better decision for both of them.

He heard the door opening.

Now who is it?


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