First Impressions Matter A Lot

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Rosé POV

At work today, it was strangely quiet. Not that I deserved to have everyone's attention but I was just so used to it. Strangely enough, these days as I walked down the halls, many people began to avoid me. And after work, there was the same amount of paparazzi but the questions they asked were only related to my personal life instead of my work.

"What do you have to say about your ex husband? What exactly lead to your divorce?"

"Rosé, is it true that your ex husband cheated on you? Or was it the other way around?"

The questions gradually became worse and more brutal. It got the the point where I was bombarded by the press asking me about abuse allegations and cheating scandals. Even in my car, there were too many people surrounding me that my driver couldn't even pull off the side of the road. I gave a secretary a call to get to the bottom of all these weird changes. What even happened?

"Miss Park, I'm glad you called."

"Do you happen to know why the paparazzi is crowding my car right now?" I asked. The flashes from the cameras could still be seen through the tinted windows, meaning they must've pressed their cameras up against the car window to get a picture of me... "Please tell me there's an explanation."

"Actually, yes, there is. There is a very clear explanation."

"Okay, what is it?"

"Mm... Your ex husband... has accused you of adultery and claimed you held off your divorce for months..."

My jaw fell agape as I scoffed in disbelief. I committed the adultery? Me? Ha, this guy, seriously...

"It seems that these rumours have been giving a bad impression of you to the world and with your new billboard campaigns all around North America, the rumours are spreading like wild fire."

The only reason the divorce took that long was because there was a lot of paperwork in general, but I also had to make sure I got to keep what was mine. I couldn't have him taking the money I earned with YSL and Tiffany. It just wasn't fair. And it took forever to write up the documents when he was being stubborn about our relationship prior to the filing of divorce.

"The good thing is that there is no solid evidence to prove this slander but people believe what they want to believe at this point..."

Evidence? Of something that was complete bullshit?! He's out of his fucking mind, making up this crap!

"Get him on line," I said sternly. I needed answers and my ex was going to give it to me.

"Uh, are you sure, Miss Park? I don't know if it'll be a good idea to contact him at a time like this incase he somehow uses it against you."

I grumbled in annoyance. He was right. My ex could try to make me look bad if I blew up on him by accident.

"Fine. Let's just discuss this with my lawyers on Monday."

"Sounds good, Ma'am. I'll contact them right away."

"Thank you," I said and hung up the call. I shut my eyes, sighed loudly and balled my fists in my lap. I thought I left things with my ex on somewhat good terms. We weren't going to kill each other but it wasn't like we really wanted each other's attention. Why was this happening now? What more did he want from me?

I told my driver to take me somewhere else, and when I arrived at the apartment building, I rushed up the elevator. When I got to the door, I rang the bell and waited until it opened.

"Jennie, where's your husband-" I asked but was caught off guard by Asa standing on the other side of the doorway with a knit grey sweater on. Seeing him in cashmere made him look so harmless, but I was willing to bet that underneath, he couldn't be so innocent. I stepped back into the hallway and looked around, "Is this not where Jennie lives...? What are you doing here?"

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