Consequences of Putting Others First

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Rosé POV

I made my way to the basement of my apartment this morning. I decided not to have a driver and drive myself to work because this way, the paparazzi couldn't swarm me outside the building anymore. It was better for my blood pressure that I had less attention and cameras flashing in my face every day. It was better to disappear, even for a little bit.

I approached my car and reached for the handle but a voice stopped me. "Rosé." I turned around to see Asa coming near.

"Oh, hey," I said awkwardly.

"Leaving for work already?" he asked and with that, I was brought back to the morning I rushed out of his house. A very specific image of him entered my brain. It was him in his sheets. Naked and alarmingly irresistible. His short hair was messy at the top and his lips curled into a smirk that casted a spell on me, making me desperately want to stay in bed with him.

But I didn't stay. I ran away.

I gulped and turned a cheek to look another direction. His footsteps approached and I could hear him chuckle.

"I didn't come for you, so you don't have to seem so nervous," he said in his signature raspy voice. "I came for Lisa. We have some things to talk about."

I didn't think he knew that I knew he's kissed Lisa and it's better he didn't know because I hated that I knew about it. I hated knowing I was just like him who's been two-timing. I was looking at his handsome smiling face, wondering how he could appear so innocent and alluring at the same time. This was his fault. It was all his fault.

"Okay..." I said awkwardly, leading to an uncomfortable silence.

Asa cracked a smile and licked the corner of his lips. "Did I dress good enough to be seen with you today?" he asked. He was wearing a light grey sweater and had his jacket draped over his shoulders, like I did, and his hands where in his pant pockets. He looked... not unappealing.

When I didn't reply, he walked over to me. We stood a foot apart and he looked down at me with his hazel brown eyes and his lips formed a smirk on his handsome face. He laughed through his nose and stepped back so we were a meter apart now. His eyes traveled down my body and I became highly self-conscious. I hope he wasn't remembering how I looked underneath it all...

"Beautiful in black as always, Rosé," he said and turned around. "See you again. Hopefully."

I watched him walk away towards the elevators and I wanted nothing more than to run into his embrace. I was fighting the urge the entire time and didn't even realize I didn't say anything to him. When he called me beautiful, I just wanted to melt away. And oddly enough, I missed when he told me I looked sexy in black, not just beautiful.

I snapped out of my thoughts and dragged myself into my car. I went to work peacefully and when the day was done, I had a meeting to attend with my lawyers. Who knew I'd still be dealing with my divorce even after it's finished?...

We worked through the details of the scandals again, thankfully, my ex husband didn't push any further claims onto me and since there was no evidence to say I did anything adulterous, the attention to my scandals died down. And rightfully so because I was so close to pulling up to my ex husband's place to give him a piece of my mind. There was no reason for him to come after me when I did nothing wrong. I didn't blame him and if anything, I let him off the hook too easily. I wasn't the one who cheated.

Leaving the firm with Jennie's husband, Jennie had just gotten off too and we all left together.

"So what's the news on making a sibling for Areum?" I asked Jennie and linked my arm with hers. "Would you want a boy or a girl next?"

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