Problems and the First Snow

407 23 1

Rosé POV

These past weeks were... blissful, to say the least. It was weird. I didn't purposely confide in Tony for pleasure but every now and then, I was enjoying his 'benefits.' Was it bad? It sounded selfish, no? Except, it didn't feel selfish, it felt... nice?

Tony made me wonder if I was blurring the lines between the words love and familiarity. Unless... did I love him? Like love love him? It was possible, wasn't it? Maybe not right now but I could love Tony. I've told him about these thoughts and he didn't find them as an issue but I knew that deep down, he was just happy I wasn't with Asa.

I was starting to feel better about that too.

I was starting to feel happier and warmer, even as the weather grew colder. Lisa's nightclub was doing really well, and actually, Jisoo moved in with Jennie and Areum. She's found her own apartment but since Jennie found it easier to have Jisoo with her, they decided to live together. It was a good thing. Lisa and I even joke around and say that Areum had two moms now.

And of course, there are other feelings to balance out the good. Such as, Jisoo was planning on telling her husband about their baby. Yup, it was gonna be that conversation. Since Jisoo was preoccupied, Jennie told me to come over and stay with her and Areum. Lisa would be too busy with her nightclub anyway.

I arrived at Jennie's apartment and as soon as she opened the door, she pulled me in and sat me down on the couch. On the TV looked like a video recording of Jisoo's apartment. Jisoo and her husband were both there, and the date and time at the bottom corner told me it was live. I knew they were gonna talk in Jisoo's place because she had it for one more week but since when did Jennie get a camera in there?

"When did you-"

"Yes, I put Areum's baby monitor in her apartment earlier today. Why'd you come so late? We're missing their conversation," Jennie said and focused on the screen.

"What is wrong with you? You're so nosy," I laughed and she curled her top lip in a glare.

"Don't you care about Jisoo? I need to know she's okay, now shhh!" She turned the volume a little higher on the TV.

"Does your daughter know about this?" I asked her.

"Mummy, mummy! Is auntie Rosie here yet?" Areum yelled as she came running into the living room. I gasped when I saw her and she had the same reaction. I opened my arms and she crawled into my lap. "Auntie Rosie! I missed you!"

"I've missed you too, cutie," I said and kissed her head.

"Baby, we're watching a very important conversation so you'll have to be quiet for the next little while, okay?" Jennie asked and pinched Areum's cheeks.

"I know, mummy," she replied then pretended to zip her lips shut and throw the key away.

"That's my girl."

Geez, Areum was an exact copy of Jennie. From the cat eyes to her fluffy cheeks and now the nosy attitude, they were the same.

"It's good to see you too," Jisoo said in the video and smiled awkwardly.

"Rosie, shut up," Jennie said.

"I didn't say anything," I replied.

"Shh," she said and pressed her finger on my lips. I slapped her hand away and Areum laughed. She moved to sit between me and Jennie and we all stopped talking to watch the video.

Jisoo's husband looked around the room awkwardly. "What did you want to talk about? You're not gonna tell me you got evicted, are you?" From his slight tease, I could see the tension ease a bit.

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