Better Than a Dream

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A few months later ~

Rosé POV

Taking a deep breath, I slowly opened my eyes to the bright sunlight coming in from the bedroom window. I sat up on the bed and racked my hand through the tangles of my hair—not too roughly though or it'd fall off. I looked to my side and smiled after seeing Asa sleeping soundly next me. He was laying on his stomach with the blanket completely off his back. He must've been too warm in bed with me.

I looked at the time on the nightstand and it was almost time for the both of us to get up so, I moved closer. I leaned down to kiss his shoulder and laid on top of him gently. "Asa..." I said quietly by his ear. "Baby~"

"No..." he groaned in a groggy morning voice. 

"Good morning," I chuckled, hugging his back with my body. I smiled upon breathing in his scent. He always smelt so refreshing.

I didn't expect myself to stay almost every night I went over to Asa's place, but I also didn't want to leave when the time came. I wasn't complaining though, waking up to him was like a dream come true. Sometimes I wished we didn't have to leave each other in the morning, but we both had things to do.

"It's time to wake up," I said.

He turned his head to face me and opened one of his eyes. I kissed his nose and he smiled softly. He moved his arms and pushed me down on the bed so he could lay on top of my stomach.

I laughed, "What are you doing? You have to take Areum to school. You do that everyday, don't you remember?"

He shook his head and breathed deeply, "I'd rather stay here with you, babe. Let Jennie take her today."

"Asa..." I scolded gently and he groaned.

He forced himself to get up but instead of leaving the bed, he climbed over me. He smiled sleepily and I held his face with both my hands on either side of his head. "We shouldn't have stayed up yesterday. I had too much fun."

I smiled shyly, thinking of the night we've had. The sex we've been having was unbelievable. Nothing can compare to how it felt when we were together. It was like every moment was pure magic and our eagerness at times may have threw our practice of safe sex out the window, if you know what I mean.

"I'm sure you did."

He checked the time on the nightstand clock and clicked his tongue, "It's not even time to get up yet. We've got at least 30 more minutes before we have to leave."

"Well, we've gotta wash up and eat a quick breakfast."

"I've got my breakfast right here, does that count?" he asked and kissed my neck.

"Nice try but no, it doesn't count."

"I'll get up only if you join me for a shower," he said. "Actually, you know what?"

Asa got off of me and put his arms under my body, lifting me into the air. "Asa! I didn't agree to this!" I whined as we walked towards the bathroom.

"Too bad." He walked through the bathroom door and set me on the ground inside. "Let's get rid of this," he said and lifted my shirt over my head. Then he stopped to admire my body from head to toe, "Geez, how did I manage to fall asleep at all last night...?"

He came closer and we put our arms around each other as he leaned into each other for a kiss. We eventually took our shower after a few more kisses, and I got ready for the morning. I left the bathroom before he did and got dressed with some clothes I brought over. When he came outside, I saw him checking me out in the reflection of the mirror.

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