Finally Got Him First

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Rosé POV

Walking down the pier to a yacht on the other side, Jisoo was quiet beside me. She was watching the waves ripple across the water and despite her bright eyes, I could feel her longing. I knew for a fact I wasn't a quiet person in general so I must've been annoyingly depressing during the beginning of my divorce. Jisoo, however, was the sort of the opposite of me. I could see her smile at the water and point to some ducks swimming by but behind that beautiful smile, I knew she was hurting.

I linked my arms with hers and asked, "Who's yacht are we going to? A new friend of yours?" I teased her by bouncing my eyebrows as a hint and she rolled her eyes playfully. At least she seemed at ease while she did it.

"No, he's not new. You'll see when we're there."

"Awh, but I wanna know, Jisoo! You wouldn't tell me on the way here and you said you'd tell me on the pier. Well, look where we are. On the pier!" I whined.

"Well, when I told you not to snack before dinner yesterday, you didn't listen to me so this is your punishment!" she argued. "We're literally right here, Rosie. There's no point in telling you anyway."

As we reached the boat, Jisoo hopped on and helped me over the step. On the yacht, there were quite a few people I didn't know. I bowed to greet them and they stared with interest. One guy even offer me a drink. Of course, I couldn't resist.

"You're the muse of Saint Laurent, correct?" Oh, right. I almost forgot about that. I've been so busy with work that I didn't remember who I was working for. "I'm Evan."

"It's nice to meet you," I said and shook his hand. I was about to introduce Jisoo until I looked around and she wasn't next to me. "Sorry, I gotta look for my friend. She's has a flight-risk potential, if you know what I mean."

"Of course. Enjoy the party." He smiled charmingly and let me go. How nice. He wasn't creepy either. Jisoo's friend really knew how to invite people to a gathering, I see.

Walking around the yacht and receiving more wonderful greetings, I finally found Jisoo again. She was getting a drink at the bar but as I approached her, something caught my eye. It was Asa and Lisa sitting together but his arm was around her body and her hand was on his thigh...? I scoffed quietly and let out a breath. Was Lisa lying to me about her relationship with Asa? What the hell was she doing with him?

No.. No, wait, I shouldn't care about it. I told Lisa I didn't care about it. Why was I getting angry at her? It's Asa's fault. It's always Asa's fault. Ugh, that guy.

I didn't know what I was doing until I was walking right up to them and took a hold of Lisa's arm. "Emergency meeting," I said and pulled her away from him.

We weaved through some people to get to the other side of the yacht and Lisa complained, "Ah, Rosie, you're pulling my arm off! What's wrong?"

I let go and made sure nobody followed us before speaking, "So, uh, what-what's the deal with you and Asa? I thought there was gonna be no more of that..."

Lisa stared innocently before making a face of realization. "Ohhh, I see what this is."

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Okay, Rosie. Okay."

"What? What is it?"

"You're jealous that I was with Asa, weren't you?" There was that word again... Jealous. I was most certainly not jealous. "You saw me sitting nice and close to your man and you had to make sure the moment would stop so you got me out of there as soon as you could. It's okay, Rosie. I understand how it could've been misleading."

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