Have We Met Before?

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Rosé POV

"Rosie~ Rosie, Rosie, pleaseee~"

I shook my head with a cheesy smile on my face. I crossed my arms as Lisa put her hands in prayer to beg me.

"Please, Rosie. It's just one dinner, that's all."

"No, Lisa. I'm not going on a blind double date with some guy and his friend whom you met at a strip club."

Lisa huffed dramatically, "I'll buy you a new guitar!"

"No, thanks."

"I'll buy you that expensive painting easel you wanted!"

"Mm-mm," I hummed while shaking my head.

"I'll get you a dog!"

She almost got me there but, "Nope. Lisa, I don't want to go on a date. I'm perfectly fine being single. It gives me more time to find the right boyfriend," I said, even though the only person I wanted to be with was Asa.

"But this is your chance to help me get a potential boyfriend! Rosie, please~ please, please, please~"

I rolled my eyes and she stared at me in disparity. I eventually gave in and agreed to go on the double blind date. She squealed in happiness and hugged me. From how excited she was, I'm just hoping the date won't be too bad.

"Wear something cute! You only have a few hours to decide because the dinner's tonight."

"What, tonight?!"

"Yeah... so wear something cute."

"Why didn't you ask me to go earlier if it was tonight?"

"I couldn't give you enough time to think it over and say no! I know how hard it is to convince your stubborn ass!"

I pinched her arm and she snickered, linking her arm with mine.

"Trust me. Everything's gonna be perfect tonight."

Flash forward a few hours and Lisa, once again, had her arm linked with mine but this time, we were walking into a restaurant together. Our dates were already at our table and a waiter brought us over. Upon arrival, our dates stood up to greet us and my date even gave me simple bouquet of flowers.

"You're just as beautiful as the picture Lisa showed us," Noah, my date, complimented.

"Oh, thank you," I smiled. I nudged Lisa with my elbow and spoke quietly so only she could hear, "You showed them a picture of me?"

"VOGUE magazine photoshoot," she replied then whispered, "Asa's favourite," and sat down.

Ugh, as if I needed to be reminded of Asa right now...

"So, Rosé, you're a model, right?" Noah asked.

"Yes, I am. And what about you?" I didn't really like it when the attention was on me and my job so I always tend to shift the conversation.

"Actually, I'm a photographer," he said with a smile.

I smiled back in surprise, "Really? What kind of photos do you take?"

"I've been a photographer for VOGUE for quite a while now, which is why I'm wondering how we haven't met already. I'd love to work with you, even if it's not for a magazine."

I chuckled politely and he joined me. He was charming, sure, and yeah he had a nice smile, but he didn't make my heart flutter. Well, how could he when there was already somebody else on my mind.

The rest of the night went smoothly. We had very casual conversation about our lives, hobbies, work, and family. Nothing too deep. And as the dinner came to an end, the four of us wrapped up our conversations outside the restaurant. I wish we said our goodbyes sooner because I was kind of freezing my ass off out here.

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