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*sneaks in*
Heeeeyyyy -

I know, I've been dead for....quite a while -
But I'm back!

Today I present you with ✨chapter✨

Specifically, also my personal favorite, angst 😩✨

Be ready for some EveSou angst and this is based off the song by our wonderful mushroom Eve himself!

Eve perspective btw cuz YEAAAAH MAAAAAAN

Let's begin shall we?

A light fall of showering petals dawned upon us, the blossoms of light pink flowing gently through the gentle breezes of spring.

The sunlit path that awaited right before me full of a bright white, empty and clear.

Yellow clouds of full light slowly moved inch by inch, moving forward with the path itself.

A spring of hope and wonder sprouted from the tips of white dandelions spread across the plains, intertwined with lilies so pure.

Going ahead of myself with unsure doubts, I walked straight ahead to where the path had soon darkened into a gloomy, miserable gray.

As if it had appeared to be, it all seemed to be in my imagination of what I thought I wanted it to be.

Instead, it was a downpour of rain full of grief, guilt, distrust, and so many other horrible things that are all counted on my list.

As if the last thing were to draw down onto me, there seemed to be a Morse code tapping in my head.

A repeat, of this sad cycle I've been in for years now.

Decades ago, I was the happiest and joyful child who would have been bothered by nothing negative.

I wish that were how it was now.

For now, I let all these frustrations and hums of whispers gobble me up, clouding this shady world I see only in misery.

Perhaps there was no chance in this, for what was left.of me?

A glass shard of stained colored glass felt as though it had stabbed me right in the heart, suffocating me with its black ooze of memories that never were mine to begin with.

All this sorrow clogged into my head just made me burst, where everyday I looked at myself, continuing to stare in amazement of why I was here.

That was, until that very mirror shattered so I wouldn't have to see the horrendous face of mine that shadowed any true self.

I can't even look at myself without anything of the thought of why.

Why was I here?

No true purpose, so wouldn't it be better for me to die off alone, where nobody would need me?

Friends, all of them, were concerned that same day, for my knuckles were bleeding crucially.

I didn't know what to say, so I bit my lip and stared at the glistening red ooze drip down from my hands.

They wouldn't let go of that day and would still watch over me when I walked by a mirror.

Now I had people to look after me ever so occasionally.

As if there was nothing worst to come, there were those days where it happened.

Where the shade had followed me, taunting me non-stop of how unworthy and undeserving I was to humanity and everything else here.

Where it reached the point it piled on top of me, where my shoulders sank and where I had let it topple on top of me.

Carrying its heavy cargo of grief with me everywhere I had possibly traveled, I started to realize there was no hope.

No chance of me making it out of here, as I should.

I could soon feel my eyes go more dim by the day, the taunting always haunting me as I continued to carry it with me.

I was soon numb to the core, feeling no warmth or anything to come to me.

A hum of despair sung to me about where I should do it, where nobody wouldn't bother to notice.

It seems I have noticed, for then I looked to where the white light was.

A calm breeze greeted me at the top, to where I watched the empty rooftop.


I knew this was good for me, feeling one of the very ends of my mouth curl up.

I simply moved forward, one step at a time to say goodbye to these little things I found.

I approached closer and closer to the edge, so close that the very tips of my feet where at the very edge to the rooftop.

Turning back to where the last door I'd ever see stay still and broad, I nodded to nothing which represented who I was in the world of this.

I turned back to the front of me, where the bottomless pit of remains awaited me.

I spread out my arms to feel the last breeze that wished me farewell, brushing against my face.


I quickly turned to the hearing of my name and saw Sou running out from the door and stopping when he saw me, before he dropped to the floor, face full of tears.

"Please..." I heard him whisper so barely audible as he gasped for another breath of air as more tears fell from his face.


Reality had then struck me as my eyes widened and the blank space around me refilled itself with the rest of the world.

I stared at him as he looked up at me with pleading eyes that were welled up with tears.

There was no emotion that I felt on my face, but I felt myself shuffle a bit before I walked forward towards him.

My eyes were simply locked onto him as I kept approaching him with the same meaningless face.

I stopped in front of him and sat down where I leveled with him.

He hiccuped and wiped his face with his sleeves, but there was no use for he had continued to sob as I simply watched.

Before I even knew it, I gripped my arms around his shivering body and pulled him closer to me.

"I'm sorry."

-Ramen Out!💫

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