Alice in Wonderland(Pt.2)

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Suddenly I felt like reviving this story.

I didn't feel like republishing and editing and then depublishing and then blah blah blah.

So we have a part 2!

Be warned for there are gonna be a hella lot of shit that's going to be all over the place and if you didn't read the first part, it's gonna be even more confused

Let's begin shall we?

"I..." A raven cat trailed off, pawing at the dirt awkwardly and averted his gaze away from the orange cat who looked around confused.

"You kind of, you know..." The albino cat coughed, shutting himself up so he wouldn't explain the entire story.

The two ghosts up in the air looked at each other, down at the orange cat, and back to each other, making quiet woo woo sounds.

"May I please know?" The orange cat asked politely, looking down at the small cat underneath him.

"Discussion." The raven cat simply said and immediately the albino, small cat, and two ghosts went, forming a circle as they talked in hushed tones.

"You know, why don't we just play not it? Whoever's last has to tell him everything." Mafumafu whispered to the other two.

"E-Everything?" Sou asked nervously and Mafumafu nodded, making the small cat gulp.

Hanpen looked down at Soraru and made a soft woo noise along with MafuTeru, agreeing with Mafumafu's plan.

"Alright, seems like the fairest way too." Soraru agreed quietly, peeking his head out to see Eve patiently waiting for them to finish.

"Okay, time to go back." The raven cat said and the other two nodded, going back to their original places by the orange cat.

"Three...T-Two....One...Not i-it!" Sou quickly spoke up, raising his paw which accidentally smacked Eve in the face.

"Ah, sorry E-Eve-San!" The small cat quickly apologized and the orange cat reassured him he was fine.

Hanpen and MafuTeru made loud woo noises, quickly flying up before they flew back down to a low level.

"Oh right, this thing. Not it!" The raven cat quickly said, a smirk on his face when he saw the shock on the albino cat's face.

"Dammit! I should've been first! I even made up the plan!" The albino cat whined, rolling onto the ground and onto his stomach.

"Come on then Mafu. You have to tell him remember?" The raven cat reminded and the albino shot him a harmless glare before he sighed, standing back up.

"So, Eve-Kun. How much do you wanna know exactly?" The albino cat asked when he turned to the orange cat.

"From the very beginning if you may." The orange cat replied, anticipating for the albino cat to start.

"And you're definitely sure you wanna know from the beginning?" The albino cat asked again with a uneasy look.

"Yes, I really do." The orange cat responded again and the albino smacked himself in the head before he huffed, shaking his head.

"Alright so, once upon a time, more specifically today, there was a cat named Mafumafu and he didn't want to tell his friend about what happened the other day since he forgot about it and made his friends tell him instead. The end." The albino cat said and everyone groaned.

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