Case #1 The Novelist's Disappearance

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8K+ Special!
This idea was recommended a while ago by my lovely friend Yuiiochi ! Special thanks to you, Yuii-San!
Let's begin shall we?

A blonde male leaned back against his office chair, lifting his legs onto the dark black table. He sighed and looked at all the files that sat on his desk, looking at the tabs sticking through them all.

He shook his head and sat up properly, flipping his collar back down and looking through each individual file by themselves.

"It looks like they were all caused by the same person..." The blonde muttered, opening up each case file and lining them up next to one another.

The first file was labeled with the victim's name, 'Mafumafu'.

A somewhat tall albino with ruby red eyes.

Very cheerful, outgoing, and friendly person.
Friends describe him as psychopathic and say he needs to leave his lab for once.


One who worked in many expirments, testing them on small objects and animals.

The University of Haru Coltman


Jinshin Avenue

Last Place Seen
Out by himself, near Haru Street at 17:29 P.M.

Seen by two of his friends, Soraru and Luz, the ones who reported the case after he went missing for four days.

"Next one." The blonde said, turning to the next open file case on his desk, reaching out his other hand to the coffee cup, taking a sip from the white cup.

The second file was named with 'Sou'.

Small, short male brunette with large, blue eyes.

Sheepish, shy, but kind person.
Friends say he keeps himself undercover.


Famous for his works of writings and beloved tales.


Book Stores


Last Place Seen
Out with his beloved, Eve, on Shin Street at exactly 17:28 P.M.
Eve reported the case after a five day span after victim went missing.

"Last one.." The blonde whispered, turning to the last case file, labeled under the name, 'Shima'.

The blonde calmed himself down, sighing and opening up the case file.

Tall, purple haired male with violet eyes.

Flirty, casual, and helpful.
Described as a show off but also a very lovable one.


Works in Cherry District with varieties of flowers.

Jinshin Avenue and Park

City Mall

Last Seen
In a local shop with his beloved, Senra at 17:30.
Senra reported the case after three days.

(A/N Ahahahaha Yes I made all best boys disappear.)

The blonde looked at all three files, carefully looking at all of them.
He noticed how all of them went missing on the same day and around the same time.

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