Insert Really Good and Epic Title(Various Ships)

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I'm gonna shut up now.

Like the title says, and yes very creative too I know I know,  I am back again with a "Various Ships" Chapter! Yaaaaaaaaaay!

Anyways, this is a gift for my really amazing friend Yuiiochi because I haven't made one for her yet :((((
Anyways, go check her out because she is REALLY funny and epic swag (:

Now, on with the story.

Let's begin shall we?


"Mafu-Kun?" A raven haired male called out into the hallway, closing the front door behind him.

No answer.

"Mafu-Kun, I'm home." He called out again, his voice echoing through the hallways.

He looked around carefully, eyeing everything in the room as he walked slowly around the house.

It was completely quiet and dark, all the lights shut off and every blinds were down, covering and blocking the sunlight from entering the house.

Soraru had just finished his work at the studio and had just come home, only to find his lover, Mafumafu, gone and completely out of sight.

'That's weird...He never leaves home like the shut in he is. I'll try to call him.' He thought to himself, pulling out his cellphone from his pocket.

The bright light from his glowing screen illuminated the room, the only light source in the house as Soraru scrolled through his messages, finding Mafumafu's contact name.

"Here we are. Let's see what this does." The raven haired male muttered, clicking on the contact number and waiting for a response.

A phone rang faintly from across the room as the raven haired male listened carefully, following the sound of the ringtone throughout the hallways.

The ringing stopped at one point and Soraru had realized that he had to dial it in once again.
He sighed and did so again, the ringing growing loudly in front of the room door he was in front of.

He opened the room door slowly, the twist of the doorknob being unnaturally loud and a loud creak echoed throughout the quietness of the house.
A strange stillness grew in the air as the raven haired male looked back in the room with a bit of fear.

Soraru took a deep breath before he opened the door all the way open, examining everything in the room carefully.

A mess was what he saw.

In front of him, papers were scattered all over the floor, some completely flat out on the floor whilst others blowing away in the fan that was on, vibrantly shaking on the nightstand.

The raven haired male calmed himself down, turning on the flashlight on his phone as he stepped further into the room, looking around again.

The bed that was supposed to fixed and tidy was completely the opposite. The blanket was thrown onto the floor and one pillow was at the end of the bed, completely tattered as stuffing came out from it.
Drawers from every piece of furniture were open and some of them had deemed unlucky to be found in a complete mess.

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