Twenty Four- End?

29 0 25

Kira's P.O.V

I stand outside of the house. The one Amelia and Gray both died in.

I tried to ignore the note. But it haunted me. A part of me knows that it was actually from Gray, somehow.

The door is open a little, revealing the dark hallway inside. There is a light on in a window upstairs.

I push open the door and step inside, quietly.

The house inside is eerily quiet. I switch on a light.

The hallway is lit up with the dim, flickering light. The paint on the walls is peeling, and smashed photo frames decorate the battered carpet. A threadbare rug has been thrown on the floor, maybe in an attempt to cover up the mess.. The rug itself looks like it may have once been red, but now is so faded and torn, I cannot really tell. A door is open at the end of the hallway, the others to the side of me are all shut.

I step over the shards of glass and discarded photos, and make my way as quietly as I can to the open door.

I step over a collapsed chair that is in the doorway, and I stand in the kitchen, looking around. It is empty. There is a table, with two chairs pulled up to it. On the table, there are a few screwed up balls of paper, a fountain pen, an empty fruit bowl, and a knife. On one of the chairs is a single, slightly torn, pale blue cushion.

The floor is littered with pieces of paper, glass, and smashed plates. There is a nasty-looking stain on the floor.

I step further into the room. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the curtain moving ever so slightly. It could just be the wind, I guess. Even so, I stop moving.

I want to call out, but I stop myself.

I step back, and turn to go back down the hallway, but I trip and fall, banging my head on the side. My hand lands on one of the shards of glass and cuts a deep gash in my palm. I gasp quietly.

I lift myself up, trying not to put much pressure on my bleeding palm. I look around the room. I'm still alone, or at least I think I am. I cannot shake off the feeling that someone is watching me.

I need to get out of here.

I walk back through the room, stepping over the chunks of glass that decorate the floor. I stop in the doorway to look back again. There is a loud crashing noise and I gasp.

I step over the chair again and into the hallway. It is dark, awfully quiet, and there is a stinging smell of blood everywhere. A shiver runs through me.

I look back at the room. Some of my blood has left small dark marks on the floor, which is grim, but nothing like the other awful stain. I don't want to think about it.

I turn back to walk down the corridor, but something rushes past me. I freeze. Something tears at my jacket and I step away.

"You're pathetic." I say, stepping backwards, "You think you can hurt me? You can't. You're just afraid. So afraid you couldn't even fight me. You knew I was going to kill you, didn't you, Gray?" I smile into the darkness, "Now you're dead, but you're still afraid. You still can't let it go. You think you're better than me? You know you're not."

Something smashes and I can feel someone stood near me.

"You have some serious issues." I say, "So what, I'm better than you? Get over it. You just can't deal with the fact that I'm gonna survive this, while you, Amelia and everyone else were too dumb to stay alive." I pause, and look around the hallway. I can still feel them near me.

"I'm going to survive this." I say, "And I'm going to stay with Madison and Michael, and I'm going to be happy. And you are going to rot in this miserable, grim little house all your miserable, grim little ghostly life. Have fun, bitch."

I walk back down the hallway. I hear someone yell after me, but it is faint. Noone follows me.

I swing open the door, and step outside.

I look back at the dark house, with its smashed windows, and its howling winds, and its terrible stench, and its grim history.

They'll rot in there, and I'll be happy.

Because I'm the final girl. Noone deserves to be final girl but me. Look at me and look at them. They're pathetic, every one of them.

I smile, "Here's to me." I say to myself.


810 words.



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