Seventeen- Nothing New

18 0 8

Amelia's P.O.V

"I literally hate you." Gray says.

"I didn't let it in!" I complain.

Gray looks at the bird that is flying round the small kitchen. They hold their plate of food over their head (which isn't very high let's face it).

"Oh, so it just unlocked the door and decided to come in by itself?" Gray asks.

"I heard something outside, I opened the door and it flew in." I say.

"Yeah, you let it in." Gray says.

"Not purposely." I say.

"How do we get rid of it?" Gray asks.

"It's not gonna hurt us." I say, "It's a pigeon."

"But it'll make this place smell."

"This place already smells."

"Yeah, but I don't want it to smell like pigeon." Gray says.

"Poor pigeon." I watch the bird fly round again. It flies at Gray, trying to get to their food. They stand up on the sofa, holding the food above their head as high as they can.

"Gray, you're short and that pigeon can fly." I say, "This isn't going to end well."

"It wants my sandwich!" They say, "This is our last sandwich!"

"We'll buy more." I say.

"Yes, but this is the sacred sandwich. Who knows how long it will be until we can get food?"

"It's literally just a cheese sandwich." I say.

"Sacred sandwich." They say.

The pigeon flies away from them, and straight into the counter. It falls to the floor.

"Oh, I killed it." Gray says.

I laugh.

"This isn't funny, we've got a dead bird on our hands." They say.

"It's just so weird." I say, "Like, all this darkness then we're here dealing with a pigeon."

"We don't have to deal with it if it's dead." Gray says.

"It's ghost could come back to haunt us." I say.

"Ooo, pigeon ghosts."

"Is it dead?" I ask.

"I don't know." They reply.

"Go look." I say.

"Why me?" They ask, "I don't wanna touch a dead pigeon."

"I'm not doing it."

"Fine." Gray sighs, "Hold the sacred sandwich." They pass me the sandwich and I balance it on my knee.

They stand up and walk over to the pigeon. They nudge it with their foot. We wait a moment. The pigeon doesn't move.

"Uh." Gray turns round to look at me, "R.I.P?"

"What do we do with it?" I ask Gray, still trying not to laugh at the weirdness of it all.

"I don't know, I've never had to bury a pigeon before." They say.

A loud knock echoes through the house. We both freeze. Someone knocks on the door, louder this time.

"Is this when we get locked up for pigeon murder?" Gray asks me.

Whoever it is knocks again.

"Okay." Gray says, "Follow me."

I follow them through the corridor and into the small bathroom.

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