Eighteen- Ashes to Ashes

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Amelia's P.O.V

"You killed her." Gray says, looking at the person. The person steps over Kira's limp body and lifts their hood.

"She's not dead." Ash says.

"Where did you go?" I ask Ash.

"After I let you two go, I had to move out of my house. I'm in a house just two away from yours." Ash says, "I saw her going into your house."

"Why did you help us?" Gray asks them.

"You two are cool." Ash says, "You shouldn't have to die."

Gray looks down at Kira's collapsed body, "How much longer do we have?" They ask.

"A few hours." Ash says.

"What do we do?" I ask.

"We get away from here." Ash says, "Kira won't be happy when she wakes up."

"Can't we just kill her?" Gray asks.

Ash shoots them a look.

"Well, what's the point?" Gray says, "She'll just find us again."

"I thought you wouldn't want to kill your friend, this will buy us some time." Ash says.

"There's just no point." Gray says.

"You're making me regret saving you." Ash says.

"Could you let us go?" I ask.

"Yeah, but tell Gray to stop being awkward or I'll leave them with Kira." Ash says. They untie us both.

"That's rude." Gray says.

"You're welcome." Ash replies, leaving the room, the door swinging behind them.

"I don't trust them." Gray says as soon as Ash is out of earshot.

"They just saved us." I say.

"Yeah, but Kira will be awake in a few hours, ready to kill us again." Gray says.

"We can get away without having to kill anyone." I say.

"Kira was going to kill us." Gray sighs, "This is so homophobic."

"At least we're not dead." I shrug.

"I vote we kill Kira then we can be the final semi-girls and go back home and make Brooke jealous." Gray says.

"You do what you like but I'm not killing Kira." I say.

"Oh, cool." Gray says.

"I'm going to find Ash, okay?" I say.


"Leave Kira. She'll be fine." I tell them.

"That's the problem." Gray says.

I open the door and walk down the corridor.

There is a loud crash then Gray appears behind me.

"Oh, hi." They say.

"Hi." I say.

They smile happily.

"What did you do?" I ask.

"Nothing. Why would you think that?" They say.

"You look strangely happy." I say, "What was that crash?"

"Crash? I didn't hear a crash." Gray says.

"What did you do?" I ask again.

"I killed her!" Gray says happily. They smile again.

"Seriously?" I ask.

"Yeah!" They reply.

"Didn't we agree not to do that?" I sigh.

"Yes, but now we're all good." They say, "We're free!"

I follow them back into the room. Sure enough, Kira's body is still laid on the floor, the only difference is that now a small puddle of her blood is staining the floor.

The door creaks open again and Ash steps in.

I look up at them. Ash is holding Gray by the arm, knife in hand.

"Oh no." I mutter.

"Oh yes." Ash says, "We weren't supposed to kill Kira. We needed her."

"Why exactly?" Gray asks. Ash breaks the skin of their arm with the knife and blood trickles down Gray's arm.

"Both of you will die now." Ash says.

"What was the point of saving us just to kill us?" I ask.

"I said we should stop trusting people." Gray says.

"And you were right, let's not talk about this right now." I say.

"Madison won't be happy to see what you've done to Kira." Ash says, "I'll be letting you go easily."

"Is this when some random person walks in to save us or kill us again?" Gray asks. Ash sighs.

"Are you not at all bothered that I'm going to kill you?" Ash asks them.

"Not really." Gray says.

"I'll kill you, then Amelia, and leave you both here to rot." Ash says.

"Amelia won't let me die, will you?" Gray asks me, still somehow smiling.

"I'll try not to." I say.

"Please, Amelia won't do anything." Ash laughs, "She won't hurt me."

"Can't you just leave us and we'll forget about this?" Gray asks them.

"I said: Madison needed Kira, if she hears I let Kira die, I'm dead." Ash says.

"Good." Gray says.

"If you don't want me to kill you, I suggest you shut it." Ash says.

"So you're gonna kill us because I killed Kira, and then you're gonna get killed by Madison because you let me kill Kira, and you won't let Madison kill us?" Gray asks, "All kinda complicated. Can't you just let us go?"

"Don't you get it? I'm not letting you go." Ash says, "This is it."

"Kill me then." Gray says.

I look around the room for anything that I could use to even try to stop Ash. I know it is useless, I couldn't do it. Gray is going to die, then me. I can't stop it.

"I will." Ash says.

"Go on then." Gray replies.

Ash tightens their hand on the knife, and closes their eyes. They drop the knife to the floor.

"I can't." Ash says, "I can't do it. I failed."

"That's fine." Gray says, "That's okay. You don't have to kill us if it's too much. I understand."

Ash laughs nervously, "Madison will kill me."

"Not if we can get home first." I say.

"Sorry." Ash says.

"I would say 'it's okay' but it really isn't." Gray says.

"We'll be fine." I say.

"As long as we find a way to get home." Gray adds.

"We will." I say.

"Maybe." Gray says.


968 words.


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