Two- We're where?

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I am woken up by the sound of people shouting. I sit up, confused as to how I am suddenly in the middle of a road.

Ellis is sat next to me, watching Kira and Gray arguing.

"We have to Gray!" Kira says, "We're in- like, the actual thing! How cool is that?"

"But-" Gray starts, "Actually, you do have a point."

"So, is this actually where it is?" Ellis asks Kira.

Kira points at a small tour bus heading towards us. Not many people are sat on it, but a tall-ish, bearded man stands at the front, holding a microphone and waving his hands. I jump up, and Ellis mirrors me.

"Woah. That's the-" I start, but Kira interrupts me.

"It is!" Kira says excitedly, "The Eternal Darkness Tour bus! From Murder House!"

"Calm down Kira." Ellis says.

"Calm down?" Kira repeats, "Do you know what this means?"

"I'm telling bestie James." Cerys says, pulling her phone out of her pocket, "He won't believe this." I watch her type out a message, then she gasps, "No."

"Cerys, please say you're joking." Kira says, taking out her own phone and typing something. After a small wait, she too gasps, "No signal!"

"This is a nightmare." Gray mutters.

"Wait, it's okay." Kira says, "We'll tell James when we get back, it's fine. Let's explore!"

"Who are you and what have you done with Kira?" I laugh. Kira rolls her eyes at me.

"I can still take videos though, can't I?" She says, opening her camera and starting a video, "We just transported ourselves to a different Universe!" She announces happily into the camera. She flips the camera over to Gray, "Say hi, Gray!"

"Hi, Gray." Gray mutters.

Kira sighs and turns the camera back to herself, walking down the dim street after the tour bus, "We are going to follow this bus and find the Murder House!" Kira shouts, half at us, half at the camera.

We follow Kira down the street, Cerys next to me still fiddling with her phone, "Seriously, Spotify doesn't even work here." She sighs, waving her phone about at the sky, trying (and failing) to get a signal.

Gray appears next to Cerys, "Do you think we've gone back in time?" They say, "Pretty good for a first try." 

"That's what she said." Ellis mutters from next to Gray. Kira is still some way in front of us, chatting happily into her phone.

"Hurry up!" Kira groans, turning round to stare at us, "Come on, quick!"

We follow Kira down the seemingly endless road, slowly but surely. Gray gives up halfway there and takes off their new black boots, carrying them in their hand, "If I would have known we would be walking so much." They mutter, "I would have brought some different shoes."

Eventually, the bus disappears from our sight... along with Kira. We quicken our pace a little, going round corners, crossing roads, until our legs ache even more. After a while, we all have to sit on the edge of a curb to rest our legs a little. Ellis looks round nervously for Kira, "Where has she gone?" She asks us. I shake my head, not having a clue.

"See!" Cerys complains, "This is why we need signal."

Gray holds out their phone, "Smile!" They have put a sort-of alt snapchat filter on, making the background look a lot brighter than it actually is. I smile, and can't help making the peace sign. Ellis does finger-guns, Cerys sticks her tongue out at the camera, and Gray smiles into the camera happily.

"This is fun." Gray says, "I'll post that when we get back."

"Let's go find Kira." Ellis says, standing back up. Me and Cerys stand up, but Gray stays sat, typing something on their phone.

"Come on." I say. Gray sighs, pocketing their phone and standing up.

"Found Kira." Cerys says, pointing in front of us. Sure enough, Kira is walking towards us, limping slightly. Someone is following her. She reaches us and laughs excitedly.

"Look who I found!" Kira says. She turns to show us the person who was following her. They stand next to Kira and I instantly recognise them as...

"Violet!" Cerys exclaims. She looks at me, "Amelia, that's Violet!" She hisses.

"You think?" I say.

"Okay, this is seriously creepy." Violet mutters, "Who are you people? How do you know my name? She was in my garden." Violet points at Kira, "Who are you?"

"Kira." Kira says, "These are my friends."

"So, how long have you been living in the Murder House?" Ellis asks her, standing next to Kira.

"I never said I lived in the Murder House." Violet says.

Ellis blinks, "Oh, right."

"But, like, theoretically." Gray adds, "How long have you been living here?"

"Not long." Violet replies, "A few days."

"Cool." Cerys says. She hisses in my ear, "I'm gonna faint."

"I'm not catching you." I whisper back.

"Soo." Gray says, "Care to take us on a tour?"

Kira raises her eyebrows at Gray and sighs.

"A tour of what? The street?" Violet asks, looking at Gray, "It's pretty boring."

"Your house." Cerys says.

"Oh-kay." Violet mutters, "Creepy."

"Show us the way." Kira says.

"You're not going to murder me when my back is turned, are you?" Violet asks, looking at each of us.

"Probably not." I shrug.

Violet turns, heading down the street. Oh my god, Kira mouths excitedly, following closely behind Violet. Me, Cerys, Ellis, and Gray follow them, a little faster this time.

"This is crazy." Gray hisses, "Someone take a picture."

"Can't you take a picture?" I say to them, but take my phone out anyway and snap a quick picture of Violet and Kira walking in front of us. I save it to my camera roll.

"True." Gray says, taking out their phone and doing the same. They then film a video of us all walking behind Violet and Kira, all four of us giggling excitedly.

Kira and Violet stop in front of the gates to a large house. A house so dark and intimidating, standing out against the dark night sky. A house I know from watching episodes on repeat with Kira, Gray, Ellis, and Cerys. A house so brutally dangerous that I can almost here the whisperings of the tortured souls trapped inside. A house I know we shouldn't enter, but we do anyway.

The Murder House.

1074 words.

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