Twenty- Don't

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Amelia's P.O.V

Dying sucks.

I am in the same room I died in, watching. I can move about- I can even move through walls. I am a ghost.

I could probably go wherever I like, but I stay here.

Ash left my body a few minutes ago.

Gray shouldn't be long.

Can I do something? Can I save them?

I hear someone walking about downstairs.

Another thing about being dead- I can hear so much better.

I walk downstairs. I probably don't have to walk, but I do.

There is a big, slightly cracked mirror at the bottom of the stairs. I have no reflection, which is weird. I want to laugh.

I turn the corner, and see Gray peering into the room with the fire. They turn round. I swear they look at me for a moment, then they walk towards me. I freeze.

They walk straight past me, and stand at the bottom of the stairs. They must be thinking, then they decide to go up.

I follow them.

I want to say something. I want to stop Gray.

"Don't." I say. Obviously, they don't hear me. I am like a whisper of the wind. Invisible, silent.

They stop at the top, looking around. I stand near the faded pink curtains, fiddling with them. To Gray, it would seem like the wind is moving the curtains. It is a strange thought.

I see the piece of paper on the floor near their feet. I watched Ash write out those notes shortly after they killed me. While my spirit left my body, they were writing notes. With a quill. They cleaned their knife, and wrote out notes. I couldn't even go out with some dignity. I couldn't even get the triumph of my blood staining their knife.

Gray picks the note up. I watch their expression as they read it. They don't seem shocked.

They drop the note to the floor.

I go into the room where my body lies.

After a minute or two, Gray walks in. I am almost hopeful, forgetting that they cannot see me. I settle myself on the windowsill, legs swinging.

My body is still in the same place Ash left it. Kira at least sat next to my body as I bled out. Maybe not in kindness, maybe she just wanted to see me die, but even so it was better than nothing. After, I sat on the windowsill and watched as she talked with Ash.

I watched the two planning to kill Gray. Now Gray is in the house.

I look at Gray. They are stood, leaning against the doorframe. They are silent. They open their eyes, and I know they see my body.

I watch Gray's reaction, and I want to cry. But crying at my own death is rather pathetic.

Gray turns around to look outside the door.

I rest my head against the cold window.

I hear Gray's voice, "Don't worry, Amelia." They say. I freeze. They can't be talking to me, they still aren't looking at me.

"I'll make them pay." Gray says.

I sit up, "No." I say, "Don't."

They can't hear me.

"Don't do it." I say.

My voice is silent to them. All they can think of is payback.


552 words. (pretend this makes sense besties).

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