Three- Murder House

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TW: B*n Harmon.

Amelia's P.O.V

"I can't believe I'm doing this." Violet mutters, creaking open the glass-paned door and stepping inside silently. We follow her in, crowding in the doorway. She shuts the door behind us and signals to be quiet. We follow her, creeping through the corridors, getting glimpses of swinging light fittings and peeling wallpaper, majestic ornaments, a fire burning in an old stone fireplace. Violet leads us upstairs, into her room, where she stands, looking at us all.

"Okay." She says, "Spill."

"Would you believe us if we told you that we're from an alternate Universe?" Gray asks, "And that we got here by using candles and crystals and weird rituals?"

"Unlikely." Violet says, "How do you know who I am?"

"The news?" I suggest.

Ellis nods, "Yeah, there was a... massive thing, about--"

Kira interrupts her, "--The new family moving into the famous Murder House!"

"So cool." Gray nods.

"We had to come check it out." Cerys says.

"Mhm! We didn't believe it!" Gray says.

"Okay, so why do you call my house 'Murder House'? Not a very pleasing name, if you ask me." Violet says.

"Er-" Gray doesn't seem to know what to say.

"That's what everyone calls it." Kira says.

"Everyone?" Violet repeats.

"Yeah, it's kinda famous." Ellis says.

"For what, murdering people?" Violet laughs.

"Basically." I say. Violet's smile fades.

"Funny." She mutters.

"Not really." Gray says, "It could be haunted or something." They shrug. I glance at them. We obviously  know it is haunted, after watching the whole season- but Violet doesn't know that. Yet.

"Or not." Kira pipes up, "Probably not. Actually, I'm sure it isn't."

Gray elbows Kira in the ribs and shoots her a warning look.

"Right." Violet mutters, "So, this was fun—"

Kira interrupts her, "Don't make us go!"

"This is my house." Violet says.

"Well, yeah, but we only just got here!" Kira says. I sigh. Gray rolls their eyes and elbows Kira again. Kira winces and steps away from them.

"Go." Violet says.

"Can we just look round?" Ellis asks. Violet turns to look at her.

Violet sighs, "Fine. Just don't get caught."

Kira grabs Ellis by the sleeve and they disappear out of the room without a second thought. Me, Gray, and Cerys follow the pair through long, winding corridors. We reach a door, which Kira pushes open to reveal a small-ish room, with a few sofas and tables. The most alarming thing about the room, however, is that Ben Harmon himself is sat in the room, on one of the sofas. Tate sits across from him, staring at us.

"Woah." Cerys whispers.

"Can we just kill him now?" Gray hisses, "Would save a lot of trouble."

Tate grins at us, and turns back to Mr Harmon- who hasn't noticed us yet.

"Should we go?" I say quietly.

"And miss the fun?" Gray hisses back, "No way."

Mr Harmon stops talking, and turns to look at us.

"Uh oh." Kira mutters.

"Is this when we run?" Ellis asks, but none of us move. Mr Harmon stands up, stepping towards us. All five of us step back simultaneously, into the corridor.

"Who are you?" He says, looking to and from us all.

Gray glances at me and grins, clearing their throat, "We are spirits. Of recently deceased people living in this house."

"We're here to claim back our rightful home." I nod.

"It isn't called 'Murder House' for nothing." Ellis adds.

"We were all murdered." Kira says.

Gray sighs solemnly and looks around the room, "Right in this room."

Mr Harmon sighs, "Likely story. Get out, before I call the Police."

Gray stares at him, "You're gonna regret this. We will come back."

"Yeah, sure." He says. He waves us out, shutting the door behind us.

"Even worse in real life." Kira mutters.

"Oh, let's go look in the basement!" Gray says excitedly.

"Seriously?" Cerys asks.

"This is, like, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! We have to!" Gray complains. They head off down the corridor, not looking back to see if any of us are following.

"Wait!" Kira says, following Gray.

Me, Cerys, and Ellis follow them down the dark corridor.

"If we die I'm blaming it on you!" I shout after them.

"Good for you!" Gray yells back, "Hurry!"

We reach the door that we know leads to the basement. Gray creaks it open and disappears down the stairs, Kira, Ellis, Cerys, and me close behind. The further down the stairs we go, the colder and darker it gets. It really is a strange sensation.

We reach the bottom of the stairs, and I look round. There isn't any sign of anyone there, but I know we aren't alone.

"Hello?" Gray shouts into the basement.

"When you go into a dark, creepy basement you don't say hello." I say, "You just let all the ghosts know we're here!"

"Oh well." Gray shrugs.

"Ohh, let's go find the ghosts!" Kira hisses, walking further into the basement, her shoes making loud, echoing noises on the cold, hard floor.

I follow Cerys and Gray round a corner. Gray peeks into a small, boarded-off room and laughs excitedly, "This is so cool."

Dark substances in grimy jars are balanced precariously on wooden shelves, broken chairs and abandoned toys crowd in corners, and a smashed lamp stands in the way of our path.

"Ellis, look!" I hear Kira shout from somewhere at the other side of the basement. Ellis doesn't reply, but I hear receding footsteps from somewhere close to us.

Then a hand clamps over my mouth and I hear someone scream.


938 words.

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