Seven- Ritual, take two.

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Amelia's P.O.V

Gray goes down the stone steps leading into the basement, jumping down two steps at a time, the rainbow tote bag swinging from their arm. They reach the bottom, and turn to look back at the rest of us. I am about three-quarters-of-the-way-down, and quickly step down, standing next to Gray. Kira and Cerys are about half way down. They have both stopped, looking down into the darkness of the basement.

"Hurry!" Gray hisses. Cerys sighs and heads down, her shoes making loud, echoing noises on the cold stone. She reaches us, and stops to look up at Kira, who is following her, unsure.

"We don't have all day." Gray says. Kira steps down next to Cerys.

"Let's go then." Kira says. Gray nods, and we follow them through the dark basement. After a minute or so of blind stumbling, Gray creaks open a door, bright light flooding the doorway. A terrible, metallic smell hits us, and we walk in.

Shelves line the stinking room, wonky shelves that have been stuck there lazily, with large, clear jars balanced precariously. The jars are each filled with a different murky substance, some with something solid floating into it- which I do not want to know the name of.

Gray sits cross-legged on the floor, already arranging the candles and crystals in a neat circle around them. They gesture for me to sit next to them. I sit beside them, cross-legged, and watch them easily light each candle and place the crystals carefully in a ring.

Kira and Cerys stand in the corner, watching out of the door. Outside the door is pitch blackness, I cannot make out anything at all.

"You should probably sit next to us if you want to come home too." Gray says, looking up at Cerys and Kira.

Kira doesn't move, "Do you think Ellis is here somewhere?" She says, glancing around the room.

"It would only be her ghost." Gray says, "And I don't think she'll be that happy with us."

"True." Kira says.

Cerys sits down beside me. Kira crosses her arms, still watching the darkness outside of the door.

"Kira. Stop being weird and come sit with us." Gray says.

Kira doesn't reply. Gray sets down the last few crystals and sits back.

A loud bang echoes through the room and someone yells something I cannot make out. I spin round an am met with a severely alarming sight.

Ellis is stood in the doorway, grabbing Kira by the wrist. There is a giant cut running down her face, and another deep one on one of her legs. She is clutching a sharpened, bloody knife in a hand. I quickly find the source of the blood on the knife- a long cut on Kira's arm.

"Oh no." Gray mutters.

Cerys stands up, holding her hands out to Ellis, "We tried to help you, but it was too late." She says, "I'm sorry. Just... leave Kira."

"I'm afraid I can't do that." Ellis- or Ellis' ghost says. Ellis smiles, "Bye besties." She grabs a yelling Kira out of the room, and they seem to disappear.

"Should we go after them?" Gray asks, turning to look at me.

"Probably." I say.

"Oh well." Cerys shrugs, "Kira might be strong enough to escape, if not we'll have two ghosts after us."

"Yeah, we don't want that." Gray nods. Cerys sits down again.

"Let's get this over with." Cerys says.

The three of us join hands in an awkward sort of half-circle, Gray says something that I won't even try to understand... and everything fades out.


i'm tired.

609 words😻

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