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To say that the past week has been hectic would be an understatement. Everyone at the firm was working extra shifts and the sweet bonuses were just one of the many things that kept us going. It was one of those times that even though everyone's hands were full with pending deadlines and tons of responsibilities, the adrenaline kept us all geared up. Sitescape's magazine launch was scheduled to be tonight at 11, just an hour before New year's and the theme for the event was aptly "New beginnings."

"What the hell are you still doing here?!" a hysteric Pam startles me, "You were supposed to..." I raise my finger apologetically signaling her that I was on call. She glares at me and I let them know on the other side of the line that I'll get back to them asap. "Sorry, I was online with the event coordinators. I wanted to check if everything was on track for tonight's event. I was about to..." I try to explain but she cuts me off, "They can manage it I need you elsewhere. Look at the time it's 6 already. Rush home and get dressed. You have to pick Joseph up and be his chaperon tonight."

"Yes, I'll leave right away, don't worry everything is under control." I start to pack my things and leave. "Adira, don't mess this up. He's new here take care of him." She looks at me and I nod back.

I run home and prioritize my next steps in the elevator. I was late, I was panicking so obviously I made a list. Shower. Makeup. Hair. Get dressed. Call Mr. Garfield. I was to go pick Joseph Garfield from his hotel and escort him to the party. I had no idea if he was a stuck-up young prodigy, a middle-aged man who wore a tweed jacket or a bald old man with a salt and pepper look. I also had no idea why and how my brain came up with those specific categories and I blame it on Pam. The research was one of my strengths, it gave me confidence and helped me know the person or situation I was dealing with. I liked knowing things. I liked being prepared. But Pam had blatantly asked me not to look him up, "I've heard he hates it when people try to figure him out" she had said. Walking in with no expectations and no mental prejudices seemed like the safest bet to her and I think the pressure of the launch had really cracked her up because honestly, what the hell was she thinking!

As I take a hot shower, I try to think of how he must be. This uncertainty was like a game to me now, how could I not try to solve it. He hates it when people try to figure him out, well that just made the puzzle so much more interesting. I try to picture as I close my eyes and lather up the soap, a whole world of dark academia aesthetic takes over the walls of my mind. In my imagination, he has dark brown hair, sleek not messy and his eyes are black like mine. I drop the shampoo bottle by mistake and slip as I try to pick it up. So much for daydreaming about a writer.

Still recovering from the pain caused by my accident in the shower I head to my prized makeup and start getting ready. Over the course of many star-studded parties and formal events, I had kind of mastered the art of makeup. If not mastered I was at least way better than I was nine months ago when I had first started here. I was no longer the same girl. Well, in most of the cases I realize that okay I was still the same but I had definitely grown since. And wasn't that the goal?

I apply some bronze and then golden eyeshadow on my eyelids followed by a thin stroke of the same on the lower lash line and coat the lashes with multiple layers of mascara. I pick out my deep red lipstick, one that I barely ever used for I felt it drew too much attention to my face. I eye it doubtfully but then use it anyway. Once I'm done straightening my hair which is a painfully exhausting task, I take a sigh of relief. I take out my dress from the wardrobe and just stare at it for a good one minute. "Finally, it's time, my lady," I say that out loud to the animated object that I held. It was a gift from one of the stylists I had worked for last month and I was saving it for some big occasion. The dress was a little too glamourous for me but what better night than the New Year's Eve to go all in, I thought to myself overexcited.

Before I even take a look at myself I video call my parents and sister to them the dress, "Do you like it?" I ask nervously. My sister cannot stop screaming with excitement shouting compliments and I can stop laughing. "Are you invited to Gatsby's party?" dad tries to throw in the obvious movie reference from his forever favorite movie and we all roll our eyes at the same time. Satisfied by their reaction I finally turn to look at myself in the mirror. The champagne dress glitters in the reflection and I do my winning dance. The dress is drop-dead gorgeous and no doubt a bit too much for me but this is my once-in-a-lifetime moment and I have no plans to be a killjoy.

After taking a million pictures and sending them to my girlfriends I drop my phone when I suddenly realize I was supposed to call Mr. Garfield and remind him that I was on my way to pick him. I dial his number frantically and wait for the call to connect but he never picks up. I keep calling him as I run down to the car sent by the firm but to no avail. Should I text him? I ask myself, but that might seem informal? Email? But if he's getting ready, or worse on his way already, he surely wasn't going to check that. I've dug my own grave.

Once I get to the hotel I run as fast as I can in heels and head to the room Joseph Garfield was staying at. I fix my dress and my hair before finally knocking on the door not knowing what to expect. A woman opens the door. I mean had no expectation but a woman was definitely a surprise. She snaps her fingers and I realize I had been staring at her up and down. "Hey is this where Mr. Joseph Garfield is staying. This is room 810, isn't it?" I cross-check with the number on the door. "He just left. Are you, his girlfriend?" I stumble back at the question and an ironic laugh leaves me. "Oh god, don't tell me you're his wife. Listen I don't need any drama, alright. I was..." I cut her off immediately, "No, no, no ma'am. Definitely not. Wife, huh, no. Nope. I have never even met him honestly. No way, no, not at all..." I look at her eyeing me weirdly probably thinking what a lunatic I am and I pull myself together, "You said he left? When did he leave exactly?" "About twenty minutes ago." I thank her and run back to the car. Twenty minutes ago! I was never going to catch him in time.

I rush to the party and thank my stars that the guests hadn't arrived yet. I look around and scan the crowd to look for a journalist-type new face. I had no idea what image I was even looking for but I hoped I would realize once I saw him. Everyone around looks like they are part of the office staff, I spot some familiar faces and some unfamiliar ones probably from other branches. I walk around in circles trying to find him and contemplate asking Pam or Sarah for help. I can hear some noise outside and realize it's the paparazzi gathered to cover the event and Pam walks in. In the black dress, she wears she carried so much power I almost start sweating and run to hide from her like a five-year-old kid.

I head to the bar because the party hasn't even started so no one is there yet. No one except a man whose back is facing me. I pray he's not someone I recognize and go take a seat beside him on one of the empty barstools. He doesn't look at me at all I feel partially thankful because I don't want him to ask any questions about my missing partner and partially insulted he wasn't even curious to see who I was. Thinking maybe he didn't notice me, I order myself a martini hoping he would hear me, and finally look over. I needed to put a face on this black tuxedo that smelled so good. My curiosity was driving me crazy. His was probably dead.

I finish my drink quickly because honestly as much as I love alcohol, I can never stand the taste of it. I recognize the bartender from previous parties and afterparties and wave him goodbye, 'for now' I add and wink at him. I stand up to leave when suddenly the tux finds its voice, "Do you think she's gone?" I turn to him confused, "sorry?" I feel his eyes lazily scan my body up and down and finally look up into my eyes. I stop breathing for a second as all of my senses take a moment to catch up to his strong presence. His hand rests on his jaw as he looks at me never blinking even once. His dark eyes are so powerful I cannot get myself to focus anywhere else.

"Your boss, the tall lady. The one you're hiding from?" he says in a deep tone, almost like a whisper. "Hiding? Why will I hide from her?" I say with a sarcastic laugh, "I'm just... avoiding her for the moment. Delaying meeting her, not hiding." It's the worst but the only excuse I can come up with. "Anyway, do I know you? You're early so you must be someone from the staff. We haven't met, I guess. I'm Adira Vats, architect at Sitescape" I stretch my hand forward with a curious smile. He takes my hand but he doesn't shake it. He turns it and takes it all the way to his lips and plants a small kiss. So, it seems we have a charmer here.

"Oh" I try to act as though it wasn't the most intimate greeting I've ever been subjected to and pull my hand back the moment he let go of it. He stands up and I realize he's a lot taller than I had assumed him to be while he was sitting "I'm Garry, pleased to meet you."

Oh no, pleased to meet you. Even though the name is Garry. 

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