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"Hey, it's almost 7" I look up to find a handsomely dressed Leo walk into the hall. One look at my watch and I begin to gather my things and stuff them hastily in my bag. Time flew by today and I'm just glad we got so much work done. I take one look at him and my jaw drops "Don't you look dapper tonight. Heading out somewhere? A rave party with some artsy, talented, out-of-the-box friends? Neon lights and EDM music blazing?" Leo has a very amused look on his face and he eyes me childishly, "Is that how you think musicians and artists hang out? Is that your idea of us?" I shrug and pout my lips and give a cheeky smile. "Am I your one and only famous friend?" he scratches his jaw trying to milk out the situation.

I take one step closer to him leaving barely space in between, "Yes, you are my one and only." His expression turns stern and he lets out a very audible gasp amused by my answer. I reach out my hand and let it brush past his arm all while giving him the sultry eyes. I grab my laptop from behind him and let out a chuckle. Just as I am about to turn and leave, he takes my arm and pulls me closer, "Feeling brave, are we? Let's take it up a notch then. Come with me to the party" I look at him as if I heard the most ridiculous thing. "Are you crazy? No, I can't. Nope, the bravery package has reached its expiration date."

"Why not, do you have something better to do? Come on Adira, you don't even have friends here" I cross my hands at his remark and add, 'Correction. I don't have many friends here. I do have a decent amount. And for your information, I was going to go home, put on some nice podcast and cook something exotic as a reward for a super productive day."

He suppresses a laugh at this "A party is how you reward yourself, not by spending another 2 hours to cook something exotic only to eat it within the next 20 minutes. And honestly, can you even cook? You don't even know how to use the espresso machine?! I have to do that for you every day."

"Owning an espresso machine is not that common in India, okay. And that's not the problem. What will I do over there, I highly doubt I would gel with your crowd." I finally tell my real reason. "Why won't you, you seem happy and comfortable with me. Moreover, you don't have to 'fit in' just be you and if you don't have a good time, I personally will drop you home later, alright?"

I can't help but blush at his genuine efforts to make me feel comfortable and invited and to be honest, I could really benefit from a night out and new friends. I missed the one I left behind in India terribly and even though we video called regularly it was just not the same. "Okay, but first can we stop by my house so I can change out of these rags" I point at my creased trousers and blouse.

This was my first time sitting in his car. In Leo Dane's 1966 red ford convertible mustang. This was new information to my brain which prior to this knew close to nothing about cars. I sit awkwardly too close to the door trying not to sweat from all the anxiety and nervousness. Why was this ride so hot for no reason? Although after 5 minutes of struggling with that posture I gave up and sat more comfortably. As I stretched my legs and let my headrest on the seat, I let out a relaxed sigh. I turn my head to face him as he smiles proudly.

Okay, quiet time over. For the rest of the ride, I eat his head trying to get him to tell me what I should wear. I ask him to wait in the car and promise I'll be back in ten minutes. As if. Another reason to not invite him over was that my apartment was a giant mess and totally not how you'd expect an architect's home to look. I neither had enough money or time to revamp it in accordance with my style yet.

By the time I reach my apartment I'm out of breath. I've been practically sprinting trying not to be late. I decide a shower is mandatory but also decide not to spend more than the duration of one song. That's how I usually time my things: based on song durations.

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