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I wake up the next day from what felt like the best nap I had had in days. Leo and I stayed up late, talking till the sun came out. Now that I had finally resolved all of my issues, I felt like the sun shined brighter today. One look at my phone and I realize the sun is brighter because it's noon already and I had slept through my alarm.

I swing out of my bed and hop in for a quick shower. Last night after we were done with all the sour things, Leo had called the boys and the five of us talked for a long time. They kept apologizing which after a point was more embarrassing for me than it was for them, I think. Anyway, the echo of laughter through my apartment was proof that we were back to being on good terms, leaving the bitter days behind. To celebrate together Gil invited us all for a Sunday lunch to a restaurant he had invested in that just opened.

I choose a yellow sundress I had bought recently along with a cream tote bag. I debate whether it would be too much to wear sunglasses or should I just go for it and just when I'm about to leave my hand just stretches out and grabs them before I can even think about what just happened.

Leo had some other errands to run so he couldn't pick me up. As I make my way down the building while frantically waiting for uber to accept my ride, I look up to see Cole dressed in a pastel blue shirt and cream trousers leaning on his navy-blue BMW. I run to him and even though I know he's more of an introvert and we've just made up after the fight, I envelop him in a giant hug. He's taken by surprise and wiggles playfully trying to break my grip but then gives in and hugs me back. Both of us laugh and he ruffles my hair as we get in the car.

We meet the rest of the boys at the reserved table and I take multiple spins while looking around because the place is so trendy and playful, "Gil, you impress me. This place is magical, it's meant to host brunches." I give him a slight pat on the back. He comes over and kisses me on the cheeks welcoming me and apologizes once again and so does Otis. I tell them to stop with all of that immediately, my cheeks had turned pink enough already. I look around for Leo who is late so we decide to order anyway.

The food is mouthwatering and I eat too much too fast because well, what is self-control and etiquette when there's delicious food around. The fact that none of the boys judge me for that and instead join me as if there's a race going on makes me the happiest I've been in a while.

I have to take multiple pauses during lunch because even though I want to try everything, my stomach gets full within two bites of anything. And to top it all it seems like Otis has made it his day's mission to get me drunk on mimosas on a Sunday afternoon because he just won't stop ordering those on my behalf! And well, I had already decided in my first year of college to never say no to a group of good friends and more importantly to free alcohol.

I'm already tipsy when Leo walks in blaming his delay on traffic. I stand up and he wraps me in a hug. "Oh, hi," I say and kiss him on the cheek awkwardly not sure of what to do because I had stood up to go pee urgently. "I actually was on my way to the washroom. Too much liquid in the system," I point at the glass and then my belly and the boys erupt into laughter.

The day was as wholesome as it could get and Leo offered to drop me home later. "So, you heard about the Freemans Charity Gala that Cole mentioned? We are to perform there next weekend and I was thinking maybe you could come with me?" he says with many pauses in between trying to judge my reaction.

"What am I going to do in a Charity Gala, Leo? I have lesser money than the ones they're trying to raise money for!" it's the first thing that comes out of my mind, "Okay that was a horrible comparison but you know what I mean..."

"I'm not asking you to make donations, you stupid. Just come for me. I mean for us. To watch us play." He corrects himself faster than a bullet train. "Maybe you can develop your relationship with the people there, you know, introduce yourself to prospective clients? I'm sure Pam would be impressed."

I know he's mostly just saying that to get me to come but I'm flattered by his cute efforts. And if all goes well maybe I will have new prospect clients by the end of the evening. Of course, though watching the band play live was the most important reason why I agreed.

I decided to milk the situation even more and ask for something selfish, "Okay I'll come. But only if you buy me a great dress." "Is that all? That was easy. I thought you were going to do some more of your 'what will I do there I won't even know anyone drama'" he grins and I slap him on the arm for mocking me. "Okay, a great dress it is. So, when do I take you shopping?" my eyes widen with surprise. I obviously was just kidding but well, why not. "You should be careful Mr. Dane; some might say I was only using you for your money." I wink at him and he shakes his head sarcastically.

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