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Sometimes I wonder what you would think if I ran a fan account of you. But I would have to stalk you and I don't want you to get weirded out by me. I'm trying to get you to like me back, you see. Without even telling that I like you. Am I hoping that you would somehow miraculously know about my feelings for you without me saying absolutely nothing? Damn right I am.

"Well, your wish just came true," Seiji mumbled to herself, staring at the page with a small smile etched on her features. "But fan account? Seriously?"

The next one was a sketch of her with a book in her hands. She was immersed.

You know what's my favorite genre of you? When you have your nose buried in your book and just slam into random things. You would look up briefly, apologize not caring if it is a human or not, backtrack a few steps on instinct and again start to walk while looking at your book. That's my most favorite genre of you.

Seiji laughed, getting the context of not caring if it is a human or not. She remembered once freezing for a few moments in the middle of soccer practice. 

Yes, she played soccer during her school. 

When the captain asked her what happened, she had blushed profusely and admitted that she had apologized to the football for kicking it and stopped after realization of what she had done hit her.

She really used to apologize to animate and inanimate objects all alike. It's an habit that she hasn't been able to part with even now, years later.

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