[2.5] the girl is mine

Start from the beginning

On the other hand, Maxie seemed somewhat slightly amused as she spoke, "I think it's hilarious that Kate asked James to do this. I mean, the girl just confessed her undying love to the guy, so, there's no better time to tell Riley than now. And if he doesn't, he's stuck with Beth for a good few weeks. Sucker."

"I don't really know what I should do, because I look at Riley, and she didn't say anything, Maxie's just about ready to cry with laughter and Kate needs this done, I can tell," James explained, oblivious to his girlfriend's feelings.

With a simple exhale, James told the woman, "Sure," as he shrugged his shoulders slightly.

"Thank you, I totally appreciate that," Kate grinned back at him.

"Yeah, don't worry about it," he brushed it off, oblivious yet again.

Riley held a sour expression before turning to Maxie and furrowing her brows, "Uh, Miss Kate?"


"Why is Maxie here, then?"

Clapping her hands together, Kate gasped, "Oh goodness, Maxie, I almost forgot! Since Charlie's moves are a little... How can I say not the best without saying bad?"

"Just say they're terrible and get to the point."

"Right, yes, well, I want you to choreograph the routine. What with your skill in dance and preciseness when it comes to your moves, I think you can help get them on top with this routine," the blonde concluded with a grin.

This time it was Maxie who was oblivious to Riley's glares as she nodded as if it was nothing, "Sounds good to me. Sound good to you, Jameseth?"

"Sounds brilliant to me, Maxeth," he responded, mimicking her accent.

"Don't do that again."

"I was just-"


"Okay, but-"

"No, James, just no."


Shaking off whatever little reprimanding had just happened between the two teens, Kate continued, "Well then, uh, why don't you go tell her the good news?"

"Kate, she, uh, left a while ago," Riley mumbled, flicking the hair out of her eyes almost too aggressively to be seen as calm about the whole James dancing with Beth situation.

"Oh, right. Because Maxie was late-"

"Fashionably late," she corrected, however, upon receiving a stern glare from an already frustrated Kate, she shrunk back.

With an awkward nod, James spoke up once again, "So, I'll just go catch up to wherever she is and, uh, tell her the good news then?"

"Yep," Kate grinned as James strode out of the room, happy to be well away from the tension for once.


'Tied to You' played over the speakers of studio A, however, all anyone could hear were the yells coming from none other than Maxie.

"Five, six, seven, and- Beth!" she yelled, making both James and Beth stop in their tracks as they turn to find out what was wrong this time.

It had been a few hours since the chat with Miss Kate and Maxi had already set out clear choreography for the pair to follow - arguably better than what Charlie and Beth had come up with before hand.

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