How to Welcome a Friend

Começar do início

"Obviously," Jace said. He pushed himself off the wall.

"Uh, Jace this is Magnus," Alec said, turning around to gesture to Magnus.

"Hello, Magnus," Jace said. The elevator doors slid shut behind him.

"Jace?" Magnus asked.

Jace started to speak but Alec cut him off.

"No," Alec said firmly. They had only known each other three days and Alec could already read Magnus' mind.

"It's a lovely name," Magnus protested.

"Thank you," Jace said, cheerfully. "It was a gift."

"A gift?" Magnus asked. "From whom?"

"My parents."

The conversation was beginning to speed up as Magnus and Jace bantered back and forth.

"I like him," Magnus said.

"No. You don't," Alec countered.

"I like me," Jace said.

"You're not naming your cat after this egotistical—"

"You're naming your cat?" Jace asked.

"Yes," Magnus said.

"Where is he?"

"He doesn't even have a cat yet," Alec said.

"You're naming a cat you don't have?" Jace asked.

"That's what I said!"

"You should get the cat first," Jace said.

"I've put cat-searching on hold," Magnus said.

"My full name is Jonathan, if that helps any," Jace said.

"Not really," Magnus said. His eyes were on Alec, not Jace. And Alec felt it.

"I'll let you guys. . . do whatever," Magnus said, shaking his head clear of a thousand thoughts. He left them alone on the stairs.


There was a knock at Magnus' door.

It took him a moment to register.

"Yes?" he called.

"Can I come in?"

"Of course," Magnus said. He looked up from the pile of papers he had been studying as the door to his office opened.

"Jace is gone," Alec said. He still stood in the doorway.

"You can come in," Magnus said.

Alec took a single step inside.

"We ordered pizza. There's some leftover," he said.

"I'm not hungry," Magnus said. He put his purple pen aside. "I liked Jace. How'd you meet him?"

"High school," Alec said.

"I imagine he was the popular one," Magnus said.

"And I was his loser sidekick," Alec said. He sat in the chair in front of Magnus' desk.

"Loser is a strong word," Magnus said.

"Not really," Alec said. "But he stuck by me and defended me for those four years of hell."

"No better way to gain camaraderie," Magnus said. Alec leaned over the desk on that note.

"So what are you doing, Mr. I-Don't-Have-a-Job?"

"I never said I didn't work," Magnus said. "I still invest, though more sparingly."

"So only like a million dollars," Alec said. "Versus ten million."

Magnus smiled.

Alec picked up a piece of paper, all while keeping his eyes on Magnus.

"This is a lot of numbers," Alec observed.

"It's dizzying sometimes," Magnus said.

"But this makes sense to you?"

"I wouldn't do it if it didn't," Magnus said.

"Then I am impressed," Alec said, setting the paper back down with care. "So what are you investing in now?"

"Well, I don't really tell anyone that," Magnus said. "It hurts my calculations. But I'm certain it's a gold mine."

"I should hope so," Alec said.

"Me too," Magnus said.

"Honestly though," Alec said, "this is what you do all day?"

"Most days, yes," Magnus said.

"Then I feel sorry for you," Alec said, sitting back in his chair. "But, at the same time, why aren't you doing stuff? I mean, get a job, settle down, get married, have kids."

Magnus just smiled at the idea.

"You'll find rather quickly in life," Magnus said, "that ideas are nicer on paper than in practice."

"I could make you a account," Alec offered.

"I'd be better off with a cat."

"And me," Alec added.

"And you," Magnus mumbled.

He barely heard Alec stand up.

"There's still pizza in the kitchen if you want it, Magnus."

"Thank you, Alexander."

He didn't pick the pen up again that night.

How to Name Your CatOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora