" Moreover I too want to visit mom. It's been a while since I have gone there", she said in a firm tone thus closing the door for discussion.

He frowned. " But you yourself told me that you would visit Grandma when dad comes", he said. He seems keen on going there alone.

But she was not ready to budge even though she hates to make him upset.

" There are slight changes in your dad's schedule. So I am not sure if he could make it here just as planned. So I would just accompany you instead of waiting for him", she said in a calm voice.

" But when did you want to go? Tomorrow?", she asked him, wanting to know about how this is going. But suddenly she felt a little bit tense seeing the unreadable expression on his face.

But Tae shakes his head as soon as he hears the question. " No, today", he said shortly, making her puzzled.

She cocked her brows, unable to understand the younger's behaviour.

" Pick me from school at noon. Make an excuse that it is urgent to visit her now. And also tell them that I won't be coming for a while", he said.

His voice was soft but still firm. But all these was too much for his mom who was baffled by his actions and words.

" Are you out of your mind?", she asked, trying not to yell at him for coming with such an absurd demand early in the morning after making her so worried and confused the last two days.

As expected she got no answer. He stayed quiet while his gaze glued to the floor.

" Tae, what is going on?"she pressed, feeling annoyed by everything.

But she was taken aback when he glanced up from the floor and looked at her with a tired face.

" Please mom", he pleaded. " Help me out just this time. I have only you. I will tell you everything later. But please don't ask me anything right now".

She stared at him in disbelief, unable to believe what she was seeing in front of her eyes. It seems like he has decided to stop putting up the act in front of her.

He looked so weak and drained. He was nothing like his old self. This was nothing like that confident and vibrant boy he always used to be.

What has happened to him?

Her heart clenched seeing him pleading in such a weak voice looking so vulnerable and his eyes welling up with tears as he looked at her.

" Okay", she said, nodding her head, not wanting to see those eyes brimming with tears.

He smiled at her faintly as he heard her answer. But there was no trace of his pretty boxy smile on his face anymore.

After that he went away without saying anything more.

She glanced at the clock and saw it was already six. She covered her face with her palms feeling sad and frustrated with everything happening right now.

What is happening to my angel, was the only thing that has been running around her mind as she sat there contemplating whether she should still just go with the flow.

But then she pushed away all the negative thoughts that were hurting her, wanting to stay strong for her son who seemed to be falling apart in front of her eyes.

She picked him up from the school as per his request. Much to her relief, he seems to be back to his usual self.

Nothing seemed wrong. Even though the ride was quiet and calm, there was nothing out of place. She kept on looking for some discomfort or sorrow in his behaviour. But she couldn't find anything of the sort.

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