True Friend (?) [PART 2]

Start from the beginning

They were determined to do better – to be better.

Hyunjin and Minho never got back together. They were both too hurt, too scared – but that didn't stop them from slowly rekindling the close bond they once shared. Chan began dating Changbin and Jisung, the three of them kicking off their rap band under the name "3Racha" while finishing up their studies. Seungmin and Jeongin also revealed they'd been dating for a few months in secret now, having hidden it from the others because of the precarious state of their friendship at the time.

And now, two years after Felix left, things were... good.

They simply wished things could be better – with Felix coming back, that is.


Jeongin was visiting his family in Busan with Seungmin – not for the first time, his parents absolutely adored his boyfriend, thankfully enough – and since everyone had the week off, for some miraculous reason, the rest decided to also accompany them for a well-deserved vacation.

Jisung fell asleep on Changbin the moment the train departed, and Changbin fell asleep on Chan not long after, while the older worked on his computer without being too bothered by the weight of his two boyfriends. Hyunjin and Minho were discussing the incoming dance competition in which they'd be participating in a few months, excitedly sharing ideas for the choreography they had to create. And Seungmin was reading a book while Jeongin played on his phone, the two of them simply content to be next to each other, neither too big on PDA.

Upon arriving to Busan, they decided to stop by the hotel first – unfortunately, Jeongin's house wasn't big enough for all of them, so he and his boyfriend would stay with his family while the others stayed in a hotel, but no one was too bothered by it. As soon as they got their things settled in their rooms, the seven of them decided to go and watch the newest movie that came out.

The snacks were gone in barely half-an-hour, the movie was good, and everyone had a good time. But as the group trudged out of the movie room and into the lobby, a painfully familiar laugh caught their attention. They all froze, frantically looking around – and Hyunjin was the first to spot him.

"Felix..." he whispered, his eyes wide with disbelief.

There, barely a few meters away, stood Felix. Even with his back turned to them, they could tell it was him – the striking blond hair, the petite stature, the dark blue hoodie that one of his sisters had given him, his laugh. It was deep and rich and exactly like they remembered it to be, though it'd been a long time since they last heard it.

He was accompanied by three other boys, none of which any of them had seen before, though one did look slightly familiar. They were all talking excitedly as they slowly made their way out of the cinema. And then, the familiar guy's eyes landed on their group, and he stiffened, his mouth falling slightly open. He blinked a few times, openly staring at them, before leaning down and whispering something to Felix. Almost instantly, the good mood of their little quartet died down as, as if in slow motion, Felix turned around and looked at them.

For a brief moment, time seemed to come to a stop, all seven of them waiting with bated breath, unsure of what to do or say or oh my God should we go up to him or wait for him to come up to us what do we do—!?

Felix turned around, grabbing another of the boy's hands before walking out, the other two quickly falling in step with them. It took a second for the group to realize that he was leaving, and the thought of losing Felix again after finally finding him was enough to send them running after them.

"Felix!" called Jisung, almost desperately. "Felix, please, wait!"

But the freckled boy was obviously determined to lose them, if the way he accelerated the pace was anything to go by. But then, the red-haired guy he was holding hands with stopped walking, gently but firmly stopping Felix, too. They exchanged a few words as the group chasing them stopped a few meters away, scared that their old friend would just outright take off running if they got any closer.

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now