" There were enough signals he sent me. But I ignored him because I never thought that they were not something I should have ignored. Why did I do that? Why did I ignore them and forgive you each time?"

He smiled weakly. He came here in search of some solace. Something that could help him ignore everything that has been breaking him.

But these bright colours and calm atmosphere could do nothing to take away the throbbing pain in his heart.

Everything was so beautiful those days and never failed to make him feel that he is the luckiest person in the world. But see how fast it all ended.

All his happiness and excitement was long gone.

" I was thinking that I found the one for me. The one I could cherish and care about forever. The one who would hold my hands till the end", he chuckled dryly. " But you prove me wrong. I gave you my heart. But you broke it into a million pieces without even caring a bit".

He felt his cheeks getting wet. He didn't try to wipe them away. Why should he do it? They are not going to stop anytime soon.

It's as if ever since he has been secluded himself in this room, his tears has never dried.

He really wants to forget everything and move on. And show them that it didn't matter anything to him just like it is for him.

But who is he trying to fool. He thought that it would be just a piece of cake for him.

He thought that he could do it within two weeks and go back immediately. But see what happened?

He is still here, crying over someone who broke him. But what hurt like hell is that he hurted him so selfishly.

He wanted to hate him. And make him pay for everything that he has done and said.

But Tae knows it better than anyone that he would never be able to do that. Because he still loves him. And the love he has for the other is beyond everything. And it could overtake even the hatred he is trying to develop against the other.

He covered his face with palms as he started sobbing again. He was done. Last night he was crying so hysterically and he doesn't even know when he stopped crying and fell asleep.

And early in the morning, he is crying again.

Why am I so weak and pathetic? Why am I still holding on to you? Why are you still in my head and heart? Why can't I move on? Why are you still torturing me with your memories?

He kept on sobbing hard. He could feel another headache growing. But he couldn't do anything about it.

'Wow I still have tears left when I was thinking I would not have any left after all the tears I shed for you. Seems like I was wrong.

He stared at the ceiling.

I'm such an idiot. At first I believed your lies and trusted you despite all the warnings I got. But now even after knowing everything, I'm still stuck. I can't just forget you and move on.

Instead of letting go of those memories that were nothing but the remnants of a relationship whose base was all lies, I'm still trying to hold on to them and to you.

Whom should I blame now for all this pain and suffering? You who selfishly made me fall for you? Or myself for still wanting you?

But still falling in love was not a crime. It's not a curse.

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