When we get downstairs, into the store, Fred and Angelina are already there, smirking at us as we stop by the counter. George rolls his eyes at the duo, but, I find the whole thing amusing.

"Is Val working today?"

I ask, turning to George. Before he could answer, Fred chimes in and I turn back to face him instead.

"Yeah. She'll be here in an hour."

He says and I nod and turn back to George again.

"Well, in that case, do you mind if I visit Dad? I haven't seen him since I got back."

I say, holding my breath as I wait for George's reaction. I didn't even want to think of Fred's reaction right now. But, he surprises me, they both do.

"Yeah, sure. It'll be nice to see him."

George says.

"Yeah, you go on. We'll hold the fort."

Fred says and I smile and kiss George before leaving the store.

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I knock on Hermione's office door and wait.

"Come in!"

Her soft voice calls out and I push open her office door and walk inside.


I send her a smile while closing her door. She immediately smiles back.

"Hey. Is everything okay? What's going on?"

She asks, her brows pulling down into a frown. 

"No, nothing. It's just, I haven't seen my Dad since I got back. Is now a good time for a visit?"

I ask her and she smiles again, nodding as she stands up from her desk and makes her way around to me.

"Yeah, of course. He's doing really well, Angel. You wouldn't think that man used to be the all powerful Lord Voldemort."

She says, opening her office door. I smile at her words and follow her out of her office. 

She leads us through The Ministry, past many people who send her a greeting, and through many doors until we reach the centre.

"Hello, Minister. Here to see Mr Riddle?"

A nice man at reception asks and Hermione nods, turning to me.

"Yes, his Daughter is to be a regular visitor on his log. She is to be granted access anytime. Where is Mr Riddle?"

She asks and the man types a few things onto his computer before looking back up at us.

"Everything is set. You'll find Mr Riddle in the banquet hall. He has grown quite fond of Pumpkin Pasties."

The man chuckles and I smile. He, then, activates the door and it opens. I follow Hermione inside. She leads us to the banquet hall and I immediately spot my Dad. He is sat at a table on his own, eating two Pumpkin Pasties while reading The Daily Prophet.

"I'll leave you to it. Come and find me when you're done. Harry called a little before you arrived. He wants us all at he and Ginny's place tonight for dinner. An announcement he says."

She explains and I nod. She hugs me before leaving through the double doors. I take a deep breath and make my way over to my Dad.

"Hiya, Dad."

The Sister (Harry Potter/George Weasley) ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz