Chapter 43

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2 years later

"Up! Now!" Caroline demanded her hands on her hips. She was in no mood for his tantrum tonight.

Klaus looked up from his sketch pad to find his wife glaring down at him.

"Love, I am not going to be involved in a night of debauchery with them." He replied looking back down at the sketch he had been working on.

Caroline had asked him ever so nicely to draw a lovely photo of Kol and Elena for a wedding gift and after a friendly round of four play he happily agreed.

"They are all down stairs and are not leaving until you get your ass up, mister!" She stomped her foot with a pout growing on her lips. He chose to not even look back up at her which left her with only one more option.

"Fine! You guys can all stay in then and me and the girls will go out instead." She smiled sweetly turning to walk back to the door. She had planned a girls night in mainly because the men were too jealous to let them have a proper bachelorette party.

"I am sure there are plenty of men at Chip-n-Dales to keep us company." She grinned knowing what to expect next.

In a flash he was in front of her, blocking her way out the bedroom door.

"I will kill each and every man there!" he hissed.

"Not if I run off with them all before you can catch us." She chuckled seeing his resolve falter.

With a deep loud sigh he shook his head. "Fine, you win love."

She gave him a long, passionate kiss before slipping under his arm and out the door, giving his ass a hard smack. "Now, go out and enjoy some slutty strippers. But if you so much as touch even one of them-"

"Never." He whispered placing a soft kiss on her neck as he walked passed her down the stairs.


"Finally!" Damon shouted jumping up from the couch where he had been waiting.

"Don't get too excited!" Rebekah scowled.

"Relax baby, I'll be thinking of you all night." He purred into her ear.

She smiled, biting her bottom lip as his hands ran down her thigh.

Elijah loudly cleared his throat, reminding the couple they were very much not alone.

"Right, so let's get going." Damon said giving one last kiss to his wife.

Caroline watched as Kol gave Elena a soft tender kiss followed by a whisper in her ear. She loved to see Kol this happy, she never thought he was the type to settle down but watching him with Elena you would never know it.

"Be good." Caroline yelled as the men walked out the front door.

"What fun would that be?" Damon yelled back just as they disappeared into the darkness.


Caroline called for the butler to bring in a round of champagne and took a seat around the living room with her best friends.

"So, you excited, Elena?" Katherine asked taking the glass from the butler.

"Very, I just... I never thought we would actually get married." Elena replied.

"Me neither." Rebekah chimed in. "Sorry, I just mean that Kol has never been the type to fall in love and now he is whispering sweet nothings in your ear. Always going on about, protect Elena or else I will drive a stake into your heart."

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