Chapter 10

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"What in the hell is going on here?" Elijah yelled. He looked at Kol and Caroline naked on the bed with her in his lap but also noticed the broken vases and ripped bedding.

He walked closer to the bed as Kol yelled "Get out of here; this is no concern of yours. You heard her she wants this so if you would give us some damn privacy it would be much appreciated." Kol went back to kissing her neck only this time he did it sensuously.

Elijah turned to leave but saw the tears in Caroline's eyes and the pleading on her face. As he began to approach her Klaus entered the room.

"What is this!" he yelled rushing at Kol and pulling him up by his neck. Caroline quickly covered her nude body as the tears rolled down her cheeks. She had no words other than "I'm sorry".

Klaus ignored her and glared at Kol.

"What can I say, she wanted me. Do not be a sore loser brother." Kol laughed.

Klaus was angry but could not help become filled with sadness. Is it true, did she really want Kol?

Klaus snapped Kol's neck without another thought and let his body fall to the ground before turning to Caroline. Rebekah was in the room now holding Caroline and trying to calm her down.

Klaus had seen enough, he would not share a woman with his brother as he had Tatia. He walked towards the door when Rebekah called to him.

"She cares for you Nik. She would not do this." She told him.

He wanted more than anything to believe in that but it was difficult as he had been through this before.

"I am done, let's go home." He said.

"No! I will not let you walk away from the one person who can give you the love you need, that you deserve. She cares for you. She had to have been compelled!" Rebekah yelled.

As soon as Rebekah's words were spoken he cursed himself for not thinking it sooner. He knew Caroline would never hurt him like this.

Rebekah looked at Caroline's teary eyes and compelled for her to speak the truth.

"What happened tonight?" Rebekah asked.

Caroline controlled her sobs and finally spoke looking at Klaus "I am sorry, Kol came into my room. He did this. I never wanted him; I never wanted any of this. He attacked me and said I was to be his. I am so sorry." She began crying again.

Klaus rushed to the bed and pushed Rebekah away. He held Caroline tightly rubbing his hands gently down her arms. This was his fault; he should have known Kol would try something so horrible. It could never happen again. He would have to make sure of it. Vervain, she needed vervain. He pulled her eyes to his.

"Sweetheart, I am sorry. This was my fault not yours. Please forgive me. I promise I will never let anyone hurt you again." He told her and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead.

Look at me Caroline "Anything Kol compelled from you it is over you will forget he his compulsion." Klaus compelled to her as another tear ran down her cheek. She hated what had happened but was relieved the truth was out. The thought of her being forced to love Kol was too much to handle.

She let out a sigh and continued to cry in his arms as Rebekah and Elijah left them alone. Elijah had wrapped a blanket over Kol's body and was carrying him over his shoulder and out the door.

"I feel awful for what Kol did to her. How could Kol be so cruel?" Rebekah asked. "You do not think Nik will dagger him like he did Finn, do you?

Elijah looked down at her "I will not allow that to happen. Our family will be together again. I will make sure of it. Now go back to your chambers and sleep sister. We are going home tomorrow."

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