Chapter 20

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Caroline spent the morning of her birthday with Rebekah. They walked through the garden as the servants ran around setting up for the party that was to take place that evening. Caroline had not seen Klaus since last night; he had left earlier in the morning. There was only a small note on his pillow explaining he had last minute business to attend to. Rebekah had hinted it had to do with her gift.

"Do not worry my brothers are all great gift givers." Rebekah commented, pulling Caroline from her thoughts.

"What? Oh, yes I am sure whatever they give me I will love it." Caroline smiled as they continued walking through the garden passing the beautiful rose bushes and towards the field of sunflowers.

"Well, then what has you so nervous? I can sense it; you are human now which makes you fairly easy to read." Rebekah told her as she watched Caroline's expression change.

"Why must we have a party? It would be wonderful with just us. There is no need to invite a room full of people I have never met before." Caroline said looking slightly annoyed.

She wanted to have a nice birthday with her new family not a bunch of strangers. She couldn't help but worry about how the night would end. She would be turned, yet Klaus would not tell her how it would happen only that she would feel no pain. She racked her brain with how he would do it and was frustrated when he told her to stop worrying about it. So she put it out of her mind but now today was the day and spending it with anyone other than Klaus and his family was nothing but an annoyance.

"It is important that we show everyone who you are. When you are turned, we will be able to leave the grounds without my brothers. Sometimes by yourself and we want everyone to be aware that you are part of our family not just under our protection." Rebekah told her seriously.

"Look, I understand, it's just I-"Caroline turned to see she had lost Rebekah's attention. Rebekah had stopped and was gazing across the yard where a younger man was pruning a slightly overgrown shrub.

He was dripping in sweat as the sun beat down on his back causing his white shirt to cling to him, outlining his perfectly chiseled chest.

"Who is that?" Caroline asked. He must have been new as she had never seen him before.

"His father is head gardener here and he asked Elijah the other day if his son could join the staff." Rebekah told her never breaking her gaze from his perfect form.

"So I take it Elijah said yes." Caroline commented with a smile. She had never seen Rebekah pay so much attention to any man before.

"Yes, my brother is a kind man." Rebekah giggled.

"I highly doubt Elijah gave the poor man a job for you to enjoy him." Caroline laughed. They both took off giggling when the gardener looked up and took notice to them staring.

"I feel like some silly teenager again." Caroline laughed as they made their way back into the manor. "What is his name?"

"Honestly, I do not know?" Rebekah replied wishing she knew it.

They walked into the sitting room and found Elijah reading a book.

"Elijah, do you know the name of the new gardener?" Caroline asked causing Rebekah to stiffen and pull Caroline back towards the door.

This did not go unnoticed from Elijah. He simply grinned and replied "Matthew". He then stood and left the room shaking his head at the young girls.

"Matthew, hmm. So, I think you should invite him to my party tonight." Caroline said seriously.

"What? I cannot do that. I am a lady and he is a servant, not to mention he is human." Rebekah snapped annoyed not at Caroline but at the situation. She wanted to speak to him, invite him but did not have the nerve.

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