Chapter 15

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Klaus rode off through the woods searching frantically for any sign of Caroline. He was certain this was the correct direction as he caught her scent still lingering in the air. He felt panic rushing through him at the thought of not finding her before Mikael had. His father was capable of anything and if he knew Caroline held any standing with him and his siblings, Mikael would not think twice about killing her.

Back at the manor Kol and Elijah were planning their next move. The needed to get Rebekah out of harm's way and even though she was not happy about it they forced her into the carriage that was meant to hold only their belongings. They had decided it was best to send her to stay with a trusted witch, Maria, outside of the village. The witch was someone that could protect Rebekah and she feared them all too much to deny them.

"We need to go after Niklaus! He may not find her in time." Kol yelled as he paced in front of his horse. He was waiting for Elijah to make a decision.

Elijah kept his eye in the direction Klaus had ridden off in hoping to see him return with Caroline. He turned to Kol "We will remain here a while longer." Elijah told him.

After an hour, there was still no sign of him. Kol was growing more impatient as each minute passed. He finally snapped and jumped up on his horse.

"I am done waiting. We need to help find her!" Kol yelled as he kicked his horse in the side firmly and rode off in the same direction Klaus had.

Elijah did not hesitate; he quickly climbed upon his horse and followed.


Caroline heard two men speaking as she began to stir. She knew they had noticed her as the room fell silent. She kept her eyes shut hoping they would assume she was still asleep but it was no use. She heard the footsteps approaching and finally stopped right behind her.

"Time to wake up, my dear." The man from the woods whispered into her ear. It was not seductive or sweet like Klaus or Kol would say it instead his words were filled with venom.

She opened her eyes as he walked around to face her. She cursed herself for not recognizing him earlier.

"Mikael" She whispered. She had only seen him once before in the future so she had not recognized him at first.

"So, I see my children have told you about me." He grinned.

"Not exactly." She replied.

He seemed confused but let it go for he had big plans for her. He had compelled one of his children's servants to feed him information and when they told him about some girl, Klaus had locked in the dungeon but did not kill, he found himself intrigued.

He had been hunting them for centuries, trying to correct the mistake he made by turning them into monsters.

"What the hell do you want with me?" she snapped cocking her head to the side and glaring at him.

"You are a brave girl; I can see why they have kept you alive." He snorted with a small chuckle.

"Ya ya, I'm a brave girl blah blah blah. Enough with all the pleasantries and answer my damn question! What the hell do you want with me?" She snapped louder.

She had been kidnapped and tortured enough in her short life and was in no mood to play out the whole fake friendly banter.

"Well, I can see you are ready to get started so allow me." He said calmly and walked away for only a brief moment before turning back around and throwing a stake that had been sitting on a small table straight into her stomach.

She let out a small whimper but quickly composed herself, shrugging it off as she bit her inner cheek.

"Wow, I can see you are really unique in your torture techniques." She laughed. "Hate to break it to you but your boys are much more creative."

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