Chapter 16

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Klaus watched as her body slowly disappeared in front of his eyes. He had lost her, he had failed her. She was the one good thing in his dark world and now because of him she was gone. He stood and walked away as Kol and Elijah watched.

"Klaus?" Kol called.

Elijah pulled Kol's arm and looked at him sharply. "Give him time." Elijah said.

Kol pulled his arm away and continue towards Klaus. "No! We didn't see her turn to dust, there's still hope. If we can bring her-."

Klaus cut him off as he turned around screaming "There is no hope! I have destroyed her. She deserves better than me, better than this! Let her be!"

Kol looked down at the ground as he began to mourn for the one girl that had given him the one thing he never knew he was missing, love. She had become a sister to him in such a short time and he was not ready to let her go.

Elijah approached Kol "Do not worry; we will protect her when the time comes. She is the only one that will be able to save him."

They watched as Klaus mounted his horse and rode away.



Caroline eyes shoot open, gasping for air as she looked around to find herself no longer in the woods dying in Klaus's arms. She quickly jumped to her feet as she took in her new surroundings. She was standing in pink frilly pajamas in the middle of some fancy room. She walked towards the large bay window and felt her heart beating frantically as her eyes met the view in front of her, The Eiffel Tower.

She quickly stumbled back towards her bed, letting herself fall into it. As she laid there grasping the pillow for comfort, the memories flooded back. She closed her eyes as she replayed her memories.

Stefan Salvatore was the new guy in school. He was sexier than any other guy in town but it seemed know matter how hard she tried he only had eyes for her best friend Elena. Then there was Damon, she remembered one date that ended up at his house but that night was too hazy to recall.

She remembered the next day Elena panicking about what had happened that night all though she was not sure why, all she remembered was Damon was no longer around. That was also the day she received the letter, her big break. She was thrilled to finally escape her small town. She found herself in Paris with a full scholarship to an elite modeling school. That is where she met her best friend and roommate Rebekah.

"Rebekah" Caroline gasped.

She sat there in shock as the memories continued to flood back. She remembered everything. She had changed the future again only this time the originals had intervened in her life. As she sat silently she felt it, her heart beat, she was no longer a vampire.

She had left Mystic Falls before Katherine had turned her. She never even knew vampires existed in this life. Everything was different; it was everything she had ever wanted. It only took her a moment to quickly realize that was no longer the case. She wanted her mom, her friends and above all she wanted Klaus.

She felt herself ease into the bed as she replayed their time together. She no longer felt numb and pained by his actions against her. She wanted him back, she needed him.

Caroline climbed off the bed and walked out her bedroom and into the kitchen. She found Rebekah sitting on the counter with a coffee cup in her hand.

"Good morning Care. Ready for our first big shoot? I've been told the photographer is quite sexy." Rebekah giggled as she took another drink.

"Where is Klaus?" Caroline asked impatiently. Rebekah was shocked and the liquid in her mouth shot out as she gasped.

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