Chapter 11

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Caroline awoke to see Rebekah entering her room. She appeared to have been crying as her eyes were red and swollen. Caroline wasted no time jumping from her bed rushing towards her to comfort her.

"What has happened?" Caroline asked rubbing Rebekah's back as they both sat at the end of the bed.

"I told Lewis we were leaving today and he said it was for the best. He will not admit it but I know he fears my brothers. Damn them!" She cried.

"Shh, it will be ok. You will find a man that will stand up for you to your brothers not some scared little boy. He is nothing more than a coward and you are a strong beautiful woman. I promise to do everything in my power to keep Klaus from scaring off any future suitors." Caroline reassured her.

"Thank you" Rebecca smiled pulling herself out of her despair and looking forward to going home. "I am please you have decided to join us on our journey home and hope that you will stay with us there for good. I have always dreamed of having a sister and I cannot stand the thought of you leaving."

Caroline smiled but could not help feel sadness knowing someday she would possibly return to her time. She hoped future Rebekah would remember her. "Yes, I plan to stick around for a while, sister."

Rebekah and Caroline descended the stairs and headed out towards the carriage. There were two of them and two extra horses. Caroline watched as the second carriage was filled with the luggage Rebekah had brought as well as a few other trunks. She turned as she heard Elijah yelling.

"Careful!" Elijah commanded loudly to a couple of servants that were carrying out a crate large enough to fit a body in it. Kol she thought.

"Good morning love, are you prepared for the journey? It is almost a day's ride." Klaus said stepping down the porch stairs approaching her with a wide grin.

"Yes, but if I may, what is that?" She asked pointing to the large crate as the servants shut door to the carriage concealing it.

"Nothing to worry about, sweetheart." He answered as he took her hand and kissed it softly.

"Where is Kol?" She asked boldly. She knew he must have been daggered but of course Klaus could not know all the information she had about him and his siblings from the future.

"Let's not speak of him, love. I do promise though that he will not bother you again. Now, please let me help you as I am sure Rebekah is grateful to have a traveling companion." He said as he helped her into the carriage. Rebekah was already seated inside and smiled at Caroline.

"I hope you have a lovely time ladies." Klaus said as he shut the door.

Caroline reached out and caught it before it latched.

"I am confused; I thought you were going home as well?" She asked with concern.

"Do not worry sweetheart, I will be there. Elijah and myself have never enjoyed being trapped in the carriage so unless absolutely necessary we would rather ride." He said pointing to the two horses.

"Oh, I see" she replied a bit surprised.

"I hope that will not be a problem." Klaus asked genuinely concerned he may have offended her by not riding with her.

"Do not be silly Nik, we have much girl talk to speak of and we do not need you here ruining that." Rebekah whined. She had been excited to have Caroline along for the boring ride home and the thought of Klaus intruding was enough to make her livid.

"Well then, enjoy your ride, ladies." He said once more, smiling at Caroline and giving a slight nod as he shut the door.

Caroline watched from the carriage window as Elijah and Klaus spoke to a few servants, probably giving orders about their duties at Kol's home she guessed before getting on their horses. Caroline watched the way Klaus handled his horse. It was obvious he had a lot of experience with them. She saw his confidence and strength something that she once feared but here attracted her.

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