Chapter 14

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Caroline screamed and thrashed about as her mind replayed his vulgar words. The way his hands ran down her body not with love or even lust but with pure disgust and hatred. He despised her and he believed she used him, that she had loved Kol. He believed her and Kol had actually... she began screaming louder as the thought was so vile. How could he think so low of her?

She hated herself for not trying harder to explain but as she got lost in her sobs, her screaming suddenly stopped as she felt something snap. It was too much, the pain, the hurt, her heart could take no more. She didn't mean to, it just happened. Her mind was protecting her as she felt it switch off. She hung there feeling nothing but the darkness take over her. She no longer hurt, no longer felt for him, no longer cared about anything. Her emotions were gone.


It was early morning when Klaus finally made his way towards Kol's bed chambers. He was dreading speaking to his brother but he could not bring himself to kill Caroline, not without knowing everything first. Even then he was still unsure if he was capable of ending her life. If she had only been using him and playing with his emotions it would be much easier to continue her suffering till she finally begged for her death.

Klaus opened the door and made his way over to his brother who was still asleep in his large bed.

"Time to wake up, brother." Klaus yelled leaning into Kol's ear.

Kol shot up and jumped from the bed crouched in a fighting stance on the other side of his room.

"What the bloody hell!" Kol snapped.

"Oh, sit down. It's about time we finally discussed something." Klaus said raising his brows and glancing at the chair behind Kol, hinting for him to sit there.

Kol already knew this was coming, now that Caroline was back he was certain Klaus would want his answers. Kol and Elijah had secretly met last night and decided it was time to tell him the truth.

"So brother, let me guess. This would have to do with the pretty little blonde you have hanging in the dungeon. I heard her screams throughout the night; I hope you kept her alive." Kol taunted.

He knew she was alive as he had checked on her before sunrise to find her passed out but still hanging in the same condition as earlier.

Klaus let out a slight growl under his breath but quickly composed himself. "Tell me, what happened between you two all those years ago." Klaus demanded.

"Well, where should I start?" Kol teased.

Klaus shot off the bed and lunged at Kol tossing him against the nearby wall.

"Do not test me Kol! I will kill you both!" Klaus hissed.

"No, you won't!" Kol snapped back as he collected himself and shook off the quickly passed pain of the attack.

"What makes you so sure?" Klaus asked calmly as he took a seat in the chair Kol had just been sitting. Kol stood in front of the bed watching his older brother, feeling him out.

"You love her. We can all see that. If you were going to kill her, you would have already." Kol told him.

"I want the truth. What happened between you two? How long was she your lover? Were you really trying to take her against her will that night or was it all a lie? Tell me! If she always only wanted you why did she not tell me from the beginning?" Klaus asked impatiently. He needed answers but he dreaded hearing them. "Why would she leave you after going through the trouble of undaggering you?"

Kol listened to his brother list of questions and then finally began laughing. Bad idea he knew but it just came out. Klaus stood up slowly but Kol quickly raised his hands in defeat.

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