Chapter 26

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Klaus entered the house and immediately saw Caroline sitting somberly with her head resting on the wall at the top of the grand staircase. He looked up at her and shook his head, flashing from the foyer to his study for a strong drink.

Caroline had never seen him this angry with her before. Their relationship was not always perfect, they had their fair share of arguments and even a few fights in the past but he had never ignored her like this before. She had lied to him about where she was going and put herself in danger, she was going to have to work for his forgiveness this time.

Caroline slowly stood from the steps letting out a deep breath and walked quietly back to their room. The way he had looked up at her when he came in she knew he needed some time to calm down.


"Kol and I are leaving." Elijah said as he entered the study. "Mr. Salvatore will be accompanying us."

Klaus did not look up from his place at the bar. He simply nodded and poured himself another drink.

"When?" Klaus asked, he could honestly care less but the unnecessary small talk helped him push Caroline from his thoughts.

"Tonight. They are both preparing as we speak." Elijah answered pouring himself a drink. He stood across from Klaus and watched as his brother slammed down another glass of bourbon.

"I worry for our sister. She is stronger than she realizes. It is time you show her what she is truly capable of." Elijah said coolly as he stared at Klaus.

"Why don't you show her? Take her with you, away from Caroline and I for all I care!" Klaus snapped.

"I just came from Rebekah's chambers and from what I understand it was Caroline's idea to chase after them earlier this evening." Elijah replied calmly as he poured himself another drink.

Klaus simply scoffed "Of course, leave it to Caroline to put herself in danger for absolutely no worthy cause. She is absolutely infuriating!" Klaus growled, slamming back yet another drink.

"Yes, that she is. I do believe that is why you married the girl." Elijah said with a smile. "Tell Caroline we said good bye. We will see you all soon, I am sure."

Klaus simply nodded and raised his glass to his brother. They shared one final drink before Elijah left the room.

Kol and Damon were waiting outside the house already on their horses when he walked outside. With one final look at the house, they rode off into the darkness.


Caroline could not sleep a wink. She had not slept alone in decades. As she laid there tossing and turning she finally let out a deep growl and sat up, turning on the lantern next to the bed.

With a loud huff she climbed from the bed and walked out into the hallway. She needed to see him, the sooner she apologized the sooner she would be back in his arms.

She found him easily, he was still in his study. His body stretched out across the footstool, sitting on the lavish couch, sketching. He heard her enter the room but did not look up from his work. He simply picked up his glass, taking a big swig and slammed it back down on the side table.

"Klaus, please. Talk to me." She pleaded as she sat next to him and took the sketchbook from his hands. She climbed up onto his lap cupping his face.

He refused to meet her gaze, staring past her face with a hard mask covering his emotions. She leaned in and kissed his jaw up to his ear. "I truly am sorry." She whispered sincerely.

Klaus let out a deep low growl and pushed her back to her side of the couch. He jumped to his feet and glared down at her.

"Do not think you can seduce me into forgiving you, Caroline! Do you honestly believe that I would give in so easily, with nothing more than few kisses." He hissed, his eyes hard and cold as ice.

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